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Author Topic: Pricing and advice on a Tsunami and Enriched/Cobalt?  (Read 807 times)


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Pricing and advice on a Tsunami and Enriched/Cobalt?
« on: April 13, 2006, 04:22:58 AM »
It's been a while since I've thrown Lane 1, and even though Brunswick's been really good for me, I REALLY like how that Tsunami looks.  Brunswick stuff is really clean at the breakpoint, and Lane 1 stuff seems to be the same, but amped up a little.  Seems to be some extra pop when it makes the turn.  So I know I want a Tsunami, and I was also trying to decide between an Enriched and a Cobalt.  I found a Carbide LRG (thanks fbila35!), so that pretty much takes care of me on the heavy oil end.  However, I've seen an Enriched in action too, and it looks incredible.  Here's where my lineup is at right now.

Carbide LRG (coming soon)

Strike Zone - It's not cooperating with me, so I'm either selling it or benching it.  Either way, I don't throw it.

Smokin - My benchmark right now

Classic Zone Violet - Pretty close to my Smokin.  It is more sensitive than my Smokin, so it can either be stronger or weaker than my Smokin depending on pattern length, oil volume, and lane surface.  Smokin stays pretty consistent as far as hook potential and reaction shape on slightly different patterns.  

Ambush - Handles a little less oil and is smoother on the backends than my Smokin and Classic.  Actually have a little overlap, so I haven't used it much recently, but it will definitely keep a spot in my bag.  

Classic Zone Red Pin - Doesn't handle much oil at all, has a nice arc on the backends.  It handles dry wonderfully.  

As you can see, I'll have a gap between my Smokin and Carbide, which I plan on filling with the Tsunami.  If there's a little too much oil for the Smokin, my Classic definitely won't do the job.  I also have a gap between my Ambush and Red Pin, but I still think the Cobalt is going to be too strong for that spot.  However, I'd rather punch up a Rampage for that spot than a weaker Lane 1 ball, the cores are a little too strong.  

I think the Tsunami will give me a similar look to my Smokin, but I want something to start up earlier and take off pretty quickly when it starts going.  Have trouble with my Smokin when I get deep, needs a little too much time to rev.  I definitely think the Tsunami will be something I can move deep with if the track starts burning that will be more consistent at the breakpoint.  

So first of all I'd like some suggestions or advice regarding my decision between the Enriched and Cobalt.  I'm actually interested in an H20 too.  I will be ordering two balls from whoever I decide to get them from.  I'd like 15-4 or 15-5 on the weight, with 3 inch pins.  I was looking to see what I could get a Tsunami and one of the other three for shipped.  Zip is 66604.  Thanks!
New member of the Metal Militia!!!  If you think Simple Plan is metal, then you must die.  And not get to be a member . .\m/!!!



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Re: Pricing and advice on a Tsunami and Enriched/Cobalt?
« Reply #1 on: April 13, 2006, 12:39:25 PM »
I just bought 2 Tsunami's a 16# and a 15#.  It seems everyone is very low on stock, as expected it is the end of the year, and even Lane#1 themselves seem to be low on inventory.  The 15# wasn't all that hard to find as it's more popular but a heavy 15 or a 16 is hard to find and even harder to get as good of a deal on as a 15#

Randy T

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Re: Pricing and advice on a Tsunami and Enriched/Cobalt?
« Reply #2 on: April 14, 2006, 10:13:01 PM »
Well we have 2 in the shop 15 lbs $170 shipped....
Why do people keep trying to compare Lane #1 to other equipment.....when there really is no comparison

Best Prices in all of Colorado on Lane #1 equipment....

Edited on 4/14/2006 10:11 PM


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Re: Pricing and advice on a Tsunami and Enriched/Cobalt?
« Reply #3 on: April 14, 2006, 11:12:42 PM »
pm sent

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Re: Pricing and advice on a Tsunami and Enriched/Cobalt?
« Reply #4 on: April 16, 2006, 01:09:39 PM »

Have both the Cobalt & Tsunami in stock.  $166.00 shipped each.

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Re: Pricing and advice on a Tsunami and Enriched/Cobalt?
« Reply #5 on: April 16, 2006, 06:43:20 PM »
wow good price
in the bag now:
enriched uranium
cobalt bomb
bowling is my way of telling pins some times they just need to lay the fu*k down
ancient chineese proverb:
"I'm not as think as you drunk I am"