Thanks for the input. I'm definitely keeping the Tour Power. I had one a long time ago, and I know it works well for me on lighter to medium conditions.
Jury is still out on the Pro Purple. I'm very aware of how highly this ball is thought of by many Sawheads and non-Sawheads, as I have been following the reviews and commentary for years. What I'm having a hard time swallowing is the idea that $200 (actually $210) before drilling--for any ball--is "a good deal." There are an awful lot of good balls out there.
Another example is the Blueberry. I still pull mine out of the bag first most nights, even though it is quite beaten up at this point. This ball has been the single best match for me that I have ever had. If I could find one NIB for around $175, then I would buy it, but even given how good it has been for me, I will not spend $250 for one. Unfortunately for me, others are willing to spend that, so I'm out of luck.
The same appears to be true of the Pro Purple. Guess I'm not a true Sawhead.
Actually, I haven't bought a Buzzsaw since they went away from the stacked and split mini-diamond cores used on the Blueberry and Carbide. I bought a Carbide Bomb (the green one) when it came out and hated it. Haven't been back. (I guess that's one of the downsides of high-priced balls--if you buy one and get burned, then it really ticks you off.)
Maybe Lane 1 will bring back the old cores at some point. More importantly, maybe they will bring back the Blueberry (Black Raspberry) at some point--perhaps as the Teaberry or Elderberry. Until then, the Zones and Infernos are awfully good balls for prices that are much easier to swallow.