Jabroni, I'm tired of hearing your nonsense. It's time for you to learn a bit about ball drilling/balancing my son.
Do you even know what weight is..? Where they are..? Do you know what the CG means..? How about the ending CG..? Do you know what static weights are and what they mean..? NO YOU DON'T..!! Because if you did, we wouldn't be having this discussion/argument right now.
Weight is weight, where ever it is or how it's measured. Weight turns into dynamic weight/energy when it's put into motion. Depending on which angle the weight is rotating, the amount of wobble, determines the amount of dynamic energy generated/converted.
If the ending center of gravity is on the top half of the ball, the ball has top weight. If the ending CG is on the bottom half of the ball, it has bottom weight. If the ending CG ends up on the right side of the ball, you have positive side weight, for a righty. If it's on the left, you have negative side weight.
Now, let's say you have 2 Lane #1 balls, or any 2 symmetrical core balls for that matter, drilled stacked leverage. One has 1 oz. top, the other has 1 oz. bottom, both have the same side and finger.
The one with top weight has the ending CG on the top half of the ball, the other has the ending CG on the bottom half of the ball.
THEY WILL NOT ROLL THE SAME..!! PERIOD, END OF STORY..!! There will be a HUGE difference in the ball reaction, especially on the backend. So don't tell me/us that the CG/static weights doesn't matter.
If you put the ending CG in the leverage position/45* (3 3/8") from your PAP, the ball will react differently than if you put the ending center of gravity ON your PAP..!! WHERE THE CG/ENDING CG IS DOES MATTER..!!
Lane #1 teaches this with their Gravity Balance System. IT WORKS..!! Their drill sheets WORK..!! Their balls WORK..!! That's why they're still in business..!!
I suppose a 1 oz. weight on a 40 lb. wheel doesn't matter either, or that you can't feel the effect it has when you're driving down the road..?
Yes Lane #1 balls cost more, but they're worth it. They also teach you things that the other companies don't, won't or can't on top of it.
I guess you're just too cheap to find out/learn something..!! Hopefully you just learned something from me, because it was free, SON..!! =:^D
Edited on 8/11/2004 9:42 PM