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Author Topic: Response from Ritchie (Buzzbomb)  (Read 2533 times)


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Response from Ritchie (Buzzbomb)
« on: March 05, 2008, 11:53:29 AM »
Just added.

Ritchie mentioned that there was noting wrong with the drilling of the ball other then there was too much bottom and thumb weight.  he will have the balance hole plugged and moved to adjust the bottom weight and send me the ball back to test along with a new Buzzbomb to drill differently.

Lane 1 just received my Buzzbomb that I sent them.  After weighing the ball for static weights, he said the ball had some thumb weight and 3/4 bottom weight.  Ritchie believes the 3/4 ounce of bottom weight is killing the ball's potential to hook.  He is going to fill the balance hole that was already drilled into the ball and drill a balance hole that will give it some top weight and hopefully get rid of the thumb weight.  

Lane 1 (Ritchie) is also going to send me a nw Buzzbomb along with the old Buzzbomb to try a different drilling, no charge.  He just wants me to post what I find out after I throw the old Buzzbomb with the different static weights.

Called Lane 1, Craig answered on the second ring.  Transferred me to Ritchie nd I didn't even wait 5 seconds before Ritchie picked up the phone.

I always knew the customer service at Lane 1 was outstanding.  Thats why I was surprised with the problem with the email.

I hope this works, though I know there has been a lot of conversations about static weights.

Nicanor (Ten On The Deck)

Edited on 3/5/2008 9:14 PM
Nicanor (Ten On The Deck)



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Re: Response from Ritchie (Buzzbomb)
« Reply #16 on: March 07, 2008, 08:04:59 AM »
Or. Hampster you could let it go, wait till he throws the ball and let him post his results before you jump his sht like that.
I mean all lane 1 drill sheets are basically Richie's theory on drilling. And for his product to be loved as much as it is and as successfull as it is, why do you have to question it ?
If you don't agree move on to the next post. Why stir it up everytime you get the chance ?
Thats what i don't understand, everyone is so tough behind a keybord but thats all it is.
See something you don't like, look past it and move on.
Nicanor, i am awaiting your results, let us know.


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Re: Response from Ritchie (Buzzbomb)
« Reply #17 on: March 07, 2008, 08:07:49 AM »
I'm just saying it's not going to make a difference.  Layouts are a whole totally different thing than static weights.  I'm not trying to stir up anything.  If a teacher at your kid's school was teaching them that the earth was flat, wouldn't you go say something to somebody?

Or. Hampster you could let it go, wait till he throws the ball and let him post his results before you jump his sht like that.
I mean all lane 1 drill sheets are basically Richie's theory on drilling. And for his product to be loved as much as it is and as successfull as it is, why do you have to question it ?
If you don't agree move on to the next post. Why stir it up everytime you get the chance ?
Thats what i don't understand, everyone is so tough behind a keybord but thats all it is.
See something you don't like, look past it and move on.
Nicanor, i am awaiting your results, let us know.

This is Fluffy.  He is the Destroyer of Worlds.


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Re: Response from Ritchie (Buzzbomb)
« Reply #18 on: March 07, 2008, 08:11:02 AM »
Just wait then, we all got it, you don't think it will make a difference. Wait and see instead of chiming in everytime someone mentions it. Thats like saying a weighthole in general won't effect the roll of a ball period. Just wait and See is all im saying.


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Re: Response from Ritchie (Buzzbomb)
« Reply #19 on: March 07, 2008, 08:32:03 AM »
Ok, I get what you're saying.  There's just no point here, it's useless trying to tell anybody here anything.  

Just wait then, we all got it, you don't think it will make a difference. Wait and see instead of chiming in everytime someone mentions it. Thats like saying a weighthole in general won't effect the roll of a ball period. Just wait and See is all im saying.

This is Fluffy.  He is the Destroyer of Worlds.