just an idea, but considering that its Activator+, it is kind of in between the absolute inferno and the intense inferno as far as reaction.
You probably could go either way, up or down in surface, and get a great reactions.
I was approaching this ball as an absolute inferno on steroids, layout is in my profile on this ball.
right now its 600 grit + polish, box surface, gives a great midlane read and extra pop on the backend. When the heads start to breakup, I move inside with it, carry isnt affected, a really great and underappreciated ball.
I havent seen too much success with pin over's with this ball, especially with spinner types that ive seen throw it.
If i were to change the surface on it, i'd probably use a burgandy scotch brite pad (320 grit) and add rough buff, pushing hard, to get the best of both worlds, inbetween the smooth absolute (220 + RB) and the angular intense (400 + Polish).
Just an idea.
Hope this helps.