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Author Topic: Saw a BuzzBomb really up close for the first time tonight...  (Read 1301 times)


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Saw a BuzzBomb really up close for the first time tonight...
« on: September 17, 2009, 04:04:42 PM »
Best way to put it is I really wasn't expecting to see what I saw.

One of our resident sawheads had the ball for a year or so but rarely threw it, because it was (according to him) too much ball for our house. He's a high-rev spinner/stroker, really weird style, but he's deadly accurate and carries 230 and up regularly. In other words, not a guy my game relates to, therefore not someone I can judge from.

So anyway, he sells the ball to a guy who has similar stats to me: Power stroker-leaning-tweener, medium speed, similar PAP and everything to my game. This guy has been throwing nothing but the Black Widow series from Hammer for about a year, and before that threw mostly Columbia from the Bully and Action series.

He's got this BuzzBomb at about 1000 with no polish, and the ball has had enough games on it that the graphics are obscured by grime. I watch him throw it tonight and the ball is stronger everywhere than any of his Widows.

He was a full arrow and a half deeper, and could get the ball out anywhere from 5-10, and when the ball moved it moved. Big turn on the back, deliberate drive through the pocket, very little deflection. He spent the entire first game trying to believe he really did need to be that much further left. Second and third games he opened with the front five or so. By the end of the night he was further left than I've ever seen him. He was raving about the ball.

I saw none of the "turd" I've heard about, no roll-out, none of that. From my vantage point, the ball is about as strong as 900Global's Break S75 (I have one), maybe even a touch more due to his BuzzBomb having more surface than my S75. His ball was drilled pin-over with the CG out ever so slightly. It did rev up nice and fast (just like my BuzzBomb/R does) but I didn't see any evidence tonight of a ball that hooked out by the 45-foot mark.

Our condition tonight was maybe a tick on the oily side of medium to start, but broke down quickly (AMF HPLs). He was able to stay with his BuzzBomb after I'd already moved to a weaker piece. Kind of opened my eyes a little.


Edited on 9/18/2009 1:37 AM


Sir Bowl-A-Lot

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Re: Saw a BuzzBomb really up close for the first time tonight...
« Reply #1 on: September 18, 2009, 07:38:03 AM »
Glad to hear he was bowling well with the BuzzBOMB.  This is a prime example of a ball that matches-up well with the bowler and the lane conditions he was bowling on.


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Re: Saw a BuzzBomb really up close for the first time tonight...
« Reply #2 on: September 22, 2009, 03:01:15 PM »
The BB is a heavy (er) oil ball than any of the widow series are. So, it doesn't surprise me than he could get the ball moving on the higer side of mediums than his BW.

IMHO, L#1 are made for this type of bowler as they can seem to take advantage of the core/cover combo.

I know I can't, but I've seen many a bowler with low revs/slower speeds really do well with them..
Keep looking... I'm sure there's a 300 in one of those balls you keep buying!!
(\ /)
( . .)
c(')(') here bunny bunny bunny....

Matchup is huge with this company. It also seems like the people who do the best tend to be the folks who can manipulate their axis rotation (i.e., make it higher). I've always thought that current-day Pete Weber would be the ideal Lane #1 guy -- high axis rotation, medium speed, tweener guy. Pete can make anything look good but most of the guys that do well with L1 gear have his characteristics.

I guess what surprised me most about seeing the BuzzBomb in action finally was that it didn't move the way I thought it was going to. I expected a big, smooth arc and I expected Donnie to start leaving corners but he really never did unless he just forgot to hit it at all, which is operator error. Remember how Storm's original black Thunder looked going down the lane 15 years ago? That's what this ball reminded me of except it's much stronger out of the box. Big rev-up, but then a delay in the move until it got way down the lane. Not skid/snap, more like skid/power arc.



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Re: Saw a BuzzBomb really up close for the first time tonight...
« Reply #3 on: September 22, 2009, 03:52:07 PM »
The BB is a heavy (er) oil ball than any of the widow series are. So, it doesn't surprise me than he could get the ball moving on the higer side of mediums than his BW.

IMHO, L#1 are made for this type of bowler as they can seem to take advantage of the core/cover combo.

I know I can't, but I've seen many a bowler with low revs/slower speeds really do well with them..
Keep looking... I'm sure there's a 300 in one of those balls you keep buying!!
(\ /)
( . .)
c(')(') here bunny bunny bunny....

Matchup is huge with this company. It also seems like the people who do the best tend to be the folks who can manipulate their axis rotation (i.e., make it higher). I've always thought that current-day Pete Weber would be the ideal Lane #1 guy -- high axis rotation, medium speed, tweener guy. Pete can make anything look good but most of the guys that do well with L1 gear have his characteristics.

I guess what surprised me most about seeing the BuzzBomb in action finally was that it didn't move the way I thought it was going to. I expected a big, smooth arc and I expected Donnie to start leaving corners but he really never did unless he just forgot to hit it at all, which is operator error. Remember how Storm's original black Thunder looked going down the lane 15 years ago? That's what this ball reminded me of except it's much stronger out of the box. Big rev-up, but then a delay in the move until it got way down the lane. Not skid/snap, more like skid/power arc.


mine got down to about 30 ft and died like the Obama Health Bill...

Ended up DOA at the pins..
Yes. it's I, the Inverted One..


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Re: Saw a BuzzBomb really up close for the first time tonight...
« Reply #4 on: September 22, 2009, 09:48:16 PM »

mine got down to about 30 ft and died like the Obama Health Bill...

Ended up DOA at the pins..
Yes. it's I, the Inverted One..

Got a closer look at it tonight, because his team bowled mine and stomped our butt. I think he shot 770 or so this evening. It's a beast in his hands...
