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Author Topic: Sawheads....POST!!!!  (Read 1631 times)


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« on: October 13, 2003, 06:30:42 PM »
I recently got my first Lane1 product.....Brand new 2003 Cherry Much thanks to Doug. Dealing with Doug was great and will do it again. I had the ball drilled with pin above ring finger and CG is very slightly kicked out of the palm. To say this ball grabs is an understatement. I am getting less length than I get with my particle Fuel, and that ball is great in the mud for me. I know that most balls tame down with use from the NIB condition, so my question is.....Is this ball going to tame down, if so how many games should I give it, and how well do these things react to polish. The CB is rolling out on the backend some unless I put nothing on the ball. Of every ball I have ever had nothing has been unplayable for me on a regular house shot and usually I am disappointed with the reaction or lack of. This however is just way to strong now. I am by no means going to give up on it and I am going to try everthing I can but I am not a gutter cap bowler and do not want to Any help is appreciated.



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Re: Sawheads....POST!!!!
« Reply #1 on: October 14, 2003, 09:56:49 AM »
I can't imagine the Cherry Bomb, a resin pearl, hooking earlier than a Particle Fuel, a solid particle ball, under most circumstances, unless it's the Black Cherry Bomb, the solid and not the plain Cherry Bomb that you have???
"Those who do not remember history are doomed to repeat it."

Edited on 10/14/2003 10:05 AM
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Re: Sawheads....POST!!!!
« Reply #2 on: October 14, 2003, 10:00:53 AM »
It could be possible that the Particle Fuel is burning up before it gets through the midlane.

He stated he can't really put anything on the Cherry Bomb or it rolls out as well.

These two should react well to polish, and in fact may need a coat to get down the lanes.
In the old days people used to cut wood with and days...............they just have Executioners do it for them!

Pin_Krusher IS a serious threat to modern day bowling wood as we know it today.

Edited on 10/14/2003 10:10 AM
<b>The original Pin Krusher</b>


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Re: Sawheads....POST!!!!
« Reply #3 on: October 14, 2003, 10:15:52 AM »
Actually its true.....the Particale Fuel gets down the lane and hangs a left with no burn-up. I usually play somewher in the neighborhood of 15 to 7 with it on a fresh shot, and it does go longer than you would plays almost like a resin ball, but works well even in mass quantities of oil. My Cherry Bomb Pearl really checks up about 5-7 feet earlier than the Fuel and then burns-up when playing the same line. When I move in tighter it just saves energy and unleashes all its power into the left side of the It wants to cross over even when I try to keep it in the oil. The ball has unbelievable power and my teammates who know my game looked bug-eyed and slack-jawed at the sight of the reaction. I am a composite 229 in 4 leagues with a power stroker style, and rarely go left of the pocket, but this thing looks like it comes with a midget that kicks the ball left at 40 ft. oil or not.
 Do these things tame down???? Or should I go hit it with polish today????


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Re: Sawheads....POST!!!!
« Reply #4 on: October 14, 2003, 12:00:00 PM »
My Cherry Bomb Pearl really checks up about 5-7 feet earlier than the Fuel and then burns-up
Mix, instead of polishing the ball, if you change your hand position slightly to get more side turn, the ball won't burn up and probably crush the pins. Sometimes, different balls/drillings need to be released slightly different to give you the optimum performance. Just a thought. =:^D


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Re: Sawheads....POST!!!!
« Reply #5 on: October 14, 2003, 04:30:04 PM »
Just got back from the lanes after some extensive practice with my CB. Was trying everything from different hand positions and lines but the ball was just too much on the dry part of the lane. They just oiled the lanes in fact I was on 7-8 as soon as the laneman was sending the oiler down 9-10. Got lined up with my Fuel, same as always in that house. Then I grabbed the CB and left turn Clyde. This thing just repels dry wood. Threw a couple of games trying different things as mentioned above and nothing....purely unpredictable. Was starting to think maybe the drilling was just all wrong and polish wouldn't help. So went to the back and polished up just to try it. Come back out and it was much more controlable. I did notice though that this ball just needs oil about as much as my truck. Compared to my Fuel I can still get deeper and it still turns the corner harder. From inside (for me) I was playing 18-19 at the arrows to 11-12 at the breakpoint and hardly any hand this ball rips off the corner and carries well. From a more outside swing shot it still seems to burn up a tad although not as bad.
 Since I just put a light polish on it, I am thinking of hitting really good with some shine and seeing how it performs. I really want this thing to replace my X-Factor in the bag as it has a ton of games on it. It is about 8 boards stronger for me polished. Hopefully I can get a harness on it tame it down a touch more and do a little pin-blasting with it. I just need the consistent reaction I am looking for.

 Anyways, I know this ball will work out and anything with that much raw power will score. I just need to work a little more with it. Has anyone else here had to alter the suface of their CB? If so what type of polish and grit did you take it to? Thanks in advance for any replies....


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Re: Sawheads....POST!!!!
« Reply #6 on: October 15, 2003, 03:53:27 PM »
Another day another practice session...also subbed last night after practicing 12 games yesterday.....Yeah, I gotta problem I am much more comfortable now with my Cherry Bomb as I learn it. I think I realized that I could always get a new ball, punch it, toss it a game or two and play it like I've always had it. This however isn't any ordinary ball...It is an absolute pin damaging gorilla. I am getting the helicopter messengers, messengers flying in each direction, you name it if you have pins still standing....wait a sec.
 It seems with my CB that it really NEEDS oil, the only requirement to strike is to get about 47-49 ft of length. Once, I have a shot creep high on me, I can't make small moves 1-1, 2-1, etc but rather 5-3, 5-4 , etc. Then the assault starts again...Does anyone else have to do this compared to other balls? Anyways, I think a tad more polish will still help as the ball returns in my houses are rather long. I still can not believe it makes my Fuel look weak though. Played them side by side and get left about 5 with my feet, 4-5 with my target than the Fuel. Let's not even talk about comparing it to my X-Factor as that has been my favorite ball for a year now and resembles a polyester ball going down the The only problem now is picking up right side spares with it (3-6-10) as it is very touchy to me flattening it out.
I am hoping that this ball when I am in complete control of it (my game) is gonna win a lot of money. I do think this is gonna be a bracket bomb for me