Hey gang,
I finally scored a Comet Pro (thanks Ryan if you are reading!). As if that wasn't good enough, the span is perfect. I slugged it, changed the grips, and went to town on the spinner (hey, she's old and needs a little freshening up, you know?!).
I watched Mike's video on the Lane #1 site, and my ball is drilled the same. I will not be able to throw it for a couple days, but I am anxious to see how it will roll. Anyone else still have one? Are there any recent Lane #1 balls that are similar?
The collection is growing, but I am still in search of the following (new or used):
Black Raspberry
Silver Diamond
Pearl Carbide
Pearl Carbide Bomb
Pearl Viper
Jon (in Ohio)
F.O.S. Proud Saw user...see profile.
Edited on 1/12/2008 7:29 PM
Edited on 1/17/2008 8:52 AM
Edited on 2/2/2008 6:51 PM
Edited on 2/5/2008 11:48 AM