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Author Topic: Second Impression of the Buzzsaw XL  (Read 957 times)


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Second Impression of the Buzzsaw XL
« on: September 26, 2003, 07:50:18 PM »
After a mediocre first impression which resulted in retirement, I was having trouble on the lanes and decided to bring this baby back out.

It was in my best interests to use the equipment I knew I can/have scored with, so after careful consideration I had the XL redrilled and refitted for my new span.

The layout chosen was a CG out drill to get the XL started a touch sooner.  That weak pearl cover hates any oil in the back, and will leaves ten pins at the slightest mention of it.

My driller laid out the ball with the pin under the ring, CG kicked out with the MB closer to the VAL.  It broke down to something similar to a 5x3 pattern.

Likes:  The ball gets down the lane very even now, no jumpiness or hidden surprises.  It is very smooth and arcs down the lane once it hits dry.  The ball doesn't squirt as much as it did before but it still will from the pearl cover it has.  The biggest improvement is the carry, where I went from leaving ten plus taps a night, down to two.

Dislikes:  ------>NONE<------

Overall the ball is still a bit too strong for real light oil, but plays well on medium to light oil with this layout.  I can now get deeper than the third arrow without worrying about what the ball will do, or how will it carry.

After having two Saws redrilled with CG out patterns, I believe I've found a layout that will work for me.  Since that time I greatly enjoy throwing the "new" Saws in my arsenal.

In the old days people used to cut wood with and days...............they just have Executioners do it for them!

Pin_Krusher IS a serious threat to modern day bowling wood as we know it today.
<b>The original Pin Krusher</b>



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Re: Second Impression of the Buzzsaw XL
« Reply #1 on: September 27, 2003, 06:28:05 PM »
What are the lane conditions? How was the ball drilled before?
Differences between before and after?  I'm working on getting an XL of my own.

Edited on 9/27/2003 6:37 PM


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Re: Second Impression of the Buzzsaw XL
« Reply #2 on: September 27, 2003, 07:17:26 PM »
all my saws are laid out pin under fingers and cg kicked.
I love the reaction I get from all of them.
PCB, BB, and Viper all laid out like that. My XXXL is laid out
pin to the right and cg toward palm.
Saws are made to cut ANYTHING including 10 pins

Ten pin?????? Where?? I throw a BUZZSAW there is NUTTIN left on the deck...

Proud MEMBER of the FOS!!
Member of the FOS, if there happens to be a 9 pin standing just toss a saw and cut it down~~!


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Re: Second Impression of the Buzzsaw XL
« Reply #3 on: September 28, 2003, 12:03:35 PM »
Like Buzzhead said, all his Saws in CG far all of mine are as well.

The lane condition I am using my XL on is medium to light with very little carrydown.  The ball won't work on anything more than that, and it is also too strong for real light oil at the same time.

The XL is a great ball to use when you can, but you need to find that "particualr" shot.  The cover is pretty weak so too much oil will give you fits.  The same goes for drier conditions with the core being too strong.  IT has that typical Lane 1 killer mix and carry.

If you get one you won't be disappointed with it.

In the old days people used to cut wood with and days...............they just have Executioners do it for them!

Pin_Krusher IS a serious threat to modern day bowling wood as we know it today.
<b>The original Pin Krusher</b>