i was thinking the same thing, but I have a Bite and a Cell. Thinking about a second Cell.
Emailed Lane 1 and hope to get an answer.
I measured th pin distance to CG its 2.5. I measured from the pin through the CG making down 6 3/4 and that puts the MB at 2 3/4 right of thumb center. I know the MB isn't marked and some bowling balls have the CG offline with the MB.
The Pin is 1/2 inch belwqo the ring finger but not quite centered of the ring finger. Its under the ring finger but the pin marker is off to the right side of the ring finger but still underneath the ring finger. I am usually not a down and in player. My "A" game is to look for the swing. Not necessarily a big swing but stand 26 over 13 at the arrows andabout 10 at the break point. Yesterday I could stand 36 17 at the arrows about about 12 at the break point and get every ball back to the pocket. The Complete NV would leave 10s, Bite left an occassionaly 10, Cell would go high or Brooklyn and the Buzzbomb would pick up the baby split. Move left right, get the ball down early, loft the ball, get a very deep kne bend and really stay under the ball, flip the ball, spin the ball. I tried a lot. Its the ball. I agree it could be the drilling, but the surface prep and drilling is the same as the T-Road solid and the Complete NV.
Nicanor (Ten On The Deck)