It has taken me about a month of league and practice, but I have finally started getting to the line in balance with the correct foot speed (many Thanks to Roy Munson for the tip). Now that I have my form back, I am finally getting to use the Tsunami to its full advantage.
In the second game last night started with the front five, smash nine pin in the sixth, strikes through the 10th, smash ten (miss) for a 267.
Strike, then a 4-6-7-10 in the second to start the third, then 7 in a row, 10-pin (spare), strike for a 245. If I wouldn't have missed 3 spares in the first, including a 4-pin in the 10th, my 716 would have been more like a 750.
I could miss my target outside by 3 board and still carry, just can't pull it. Still workng on that ut getting better. Now back to work on my spares.
Thanks to everyone for all of the help.