Date: Saturday, February 23, 2008 10:19 PM
Size: 2 KB
I bought a Buzzbomb from K&K bowling in Las Vegas and they drilled it with the
pin under the ring finger and the CG about 2 inches right of the thumb. I get
nothing out of this ball. I tried in box condition, I polished it, took it back
down to 2000 Ablaron and still nothing. I finally took it down to 500 and got
some reaction. I used it on an extreme oily condition, a wet dry condition when
polished, on an easy Christmas tree pattern at 2000 Ablaron and 500 Ablaron and
I was using it along side of a cell at 2000 and a Complete NV at 2000. I was
also throwing a Shift, Break and a Bite just to make sure there was reaction out
there. I threw a T-Road solid at 1000 and it hooked tremendously. The T-Road
and Complete NV are drilled just like the Buzzbomb.
What can I do about the Buzzbomb. I seen videos and talked with many on
Ballreviews and most don't believe it or think there is a problem with the
bowler (me). which is always possible. But I could stand on 36 swing 17 out to
about 12 and get most of the balls mentioned back to the pocket very strong.
The Buzzbomb would take out the 3. Down and in it really wasn't any better.
So is there any options? Is an option to send it back to Lane 1 and look at the
ball in its current drilling to see if you can tell what the problem is, or
might you have another recommendation?
Nicanor (Ten On The Deck)