Looking back at what I wrote, I left something out. Here's what I meant: If in fact the SCB did fail, maybe Lane 1 submitted their test results early, then possibly USBC put it up there now as to try to keep people from buying it knowing it would be banned in 5 months. That's possible. Again, if the grandfathering clause does not apply to Hardness specs.
Likely? Probably not. Because if that was the case, then the polished would also have to be banned and that is not listed.
Something is VERY weird here. Hopefully we'll find out ASAP, because right now, all we have are ideas. We've got everything from the hardness of the original, to the polished being a new ball. It is very peculiar that it was all of a sudden placed on the ban list when the polished is being released.
The Dark Jedi Code
There is no peace, there is anger.
There is no fear, there is power.
There is no death, there is immortality.
There is no weakness, there is the Dark Side.
F.O.S. Sith Lord - Darth Saw