Usually if a ball hooks too much for me it rolls out/burns up. The continuation of the Dnamo once the back ends start to dry up is way too much ball for me. I know I could adjust the surface, but that would defeat the purpose of me getting the ball. I'm bowling on lanes that are oiled in the morning, hardly any use, then they re-oil a fill shot that makes the first game very difficult. Using the Dynamo for the first game and a half works great. I need to learn how and how fast to move left and swing the ball. It seems the more i swing the ball, the harder it comes back. I need to find a way to use the Dynamo and change to the Agent Orange at the right time. I was close today but i still didn't put the ball up fast enough. If i can follow the oil left for a longer time, I'll shoot great numbers with this ball. But both times out, my first game was very good and midway through the second game, I was struggling. Yes its me, not the ball. But the power, carry and ability to handle oil is just what I thought the Buzzbomb would do.
I'll post again, not to bore you, but to let you know if I can put it together with the dynamo or the Dynamo, Agent Orange combination.
Nicanor (Ten On The Deck)