Lane #1 has released several cores that had mini diamond nuggets within the larger diamond core. One version of the C2 core had stacked mini diamonds (Blueberry, Pink and Black Raspberry, Emerald Pearl, etc.), another version had separated mini diamonds (Cherry Pearl C2, Carbide, Super Carbide, etc.), and the H20 series had offset nuggets.
The Buzzsaw/C core had a single centered mini diamond within the larger diamond core (Silver Diamond, Black Buzzsaw/C).
The Golden Nugget and the Cranberry had a single raised nugget.
Still others made use of the dual mini nuggets, including the Cherry Bomb series and the Super Carbide Bomb. The Dirty Bombs and the Cobalt Bombs had single nuggets.
You can see visual representations of these cores here- just click on the ball you want to know about:
~SprayNpray-formerly known as SawFreak-official house hack-There are no stupid questions, just stupid people.