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Author Topic: Thanks Scott at & Lane #1  (Read 547 times)


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Thanks Scott at & Lane #1
« on: August 17, 2006, 12:49:17 PM »
Got my Cobalt Bomb drilled today, which I won in a drawing at Wow.. this ball kicks rear-end. Thanks, Scott, VT and Lane #1.

More back end than I'm used to. Going to have to get used to it. Our house is known for semi-flooded back ends even after a fresh oiling. Kent Wagner (I guess who used to be on tour and is married to Lisa Wagner) is coming to our house from Bradenton, FL to help address the issue. Free bowling Sunday for two hours to test the lane dressing changes for the next three Sunday's.

Anyway, with the usual oil to the pins, this ball MOVED. It was great to see. I didn't really have a ball for more than medium conditions and I've finally got it. Shot 208 out of the box completely unfamiliar with the reaction and one of my finger grips popped out, lmao. Gotta start carrying super-glue with me from now on.

Can't wait to bowl with it more. Great ball, Lane #1.
Elite P43 - 16#
Ebonite One - 16#
Lane #1 Cobalt Bomb - 15#
Track Machine 15#

Edited on 8/17/2006 8:44 PM