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Author Topic: help with new drilling  (Read 721 times)


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help with new drilling
« on: February 18, 2009, 08:04:38 AM »
hey guys i came into the new owner ship of a couple of buzz saws i have a couple of qustions on the drilling on 2 of the 3 and thinking on a plug and re drill
here are my specs
left handed
ball speed 14 - 16
rev 350
pap 4 out up 3/8

ball 1 in qustion gforce super nova polished

drill is like this " looks righty but x hole for lefty" ( thinking on plug and redrill )

   ____ O O p
  __ X___O
   _____  Mb

ball 2 in qustion uriaum solid polished "looks righty" ( thinking on plug and redrill )

_______ O O P
________ cg
________ O

i also have the dirty bomb on 3 drill high polished " true lefty drill my hyde was drilled the same way" (pluged 2 x righty and now redrilled lefty with this layout x hole was old righty thumb)

_____p O O
__X ___ Cg
_________ MB
this ball gets great length but has alot of roll out
i played it 15-8 and 20-11 and anything more to the right it over hooks my brother says it is becouse the x hole in my pap

i am thinking on re drilling the other 2 but am looking for a good drill
i like the drity bomb just have to find where it want to be on the lanes

any help would be great

Edited on 2/18/2009 5:12 PM

Edited on 2/18/2009 6:28 PM



  • Jr. Member
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Re: help with new drilling
« Reply #1 on: February 18, 2009, 05:20:18 PM »
the dirty bomb  i had the thumd pluged and moved up and to the right a 1/8 of an inch i like how it rolls just can't find the right spot on the lane of it i feel i am all over the place with both feet and line it just rolls out. and when it dose hit it is light. i was going to do a full plug and drill but it was drilld righty twice with a wheight hole and with it drilled lefty the weight hole is the old righty thumb. i don't want the plug in the track as it would be. if i where to play 9 pin tap i would score high as it leaves alot of 7's  i have seen a 20 pin raise in avg with just the dirty bomb.