I normally track next to the middle finger, and then my track flares down. My supercarbide bomb makes 1 rotation there and then proceeds to migrate downward, somuchso that it tracks over the weight hole (ball is drilled stacked). My black cherry bomb is drilled with the pin over the ring finger, cg kicked out, and big weight hole up in the finger weight area to take out finger weight. This ball also starts up next to the middle finger and then migrates alot downward (about 7 1/2 inches). Both balls tracks look almost like I spin the ball, which I don't. The only thing that I can attribute the migration to is the weightblock, and core combinations. I'm not complaining about this migration, in fact I love both balls. You might think about a different drilling pattern, my blueberry was drilled at 130 drill and migrated up towards the fingers for me, and different releases to see what the ball does. Good Luck