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Author Topic: The Lane#1 Test  (Read 5132 times)


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The Lane#1 Test
« on: October 18, 2003, 01:51:10 AM »
OK, I am thinking, considering taking the Lane#1 test; it is not yet a firm decision. Here is my quandry, if I decide to test the value of a Lane#1 ball:

I have a medium to medium-heavy scratch league in which I am fooling around with several balls so far. The oil pattern has varied significantly more than the past few years from the lighter side of medium to the heavier side of medium-heavy.

I have slightly better than average rev rate (some say much higher than average) but would never be considered a cranker. Speed is medium to medium-slow, depending on the condition and the balls I have with me.

Lane#1 has the Cranberry which seems like it would be too weak and the Black Cherry Bomb whose core seems WAY TOO Strong for me. The Blueberry is not available.

What do the Lane#1 experts think ?

I've already asked Doug Sterner for prices on these two balls. So, Doug, feel free to chime in.

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Re: The Lane#1 Test
« Reply #16 on: October 19, 2003, 11:05:23 PM »

Yes, it's good ole Carolier. And, yes, I know where the oil line is.

I haven't been able to get as mild a reaction off the dry with a pearl like the Crimson as you have. I have one that's drilled on the mild side that I tried 2 weeks ago, the Red/Black Monster, but I was too inconsistent with my release for it. I have another, an Igniter, drilled for a mild reaction off the break point, that might work but I don't want to waste any more games testing balls there, for the sake of the team.

For years, I have been better off with a medium aggressive solid, only going out to 7/8 board as I near the breakpoint. Last Friday the Power Surge worked pretty well. In fact, on several light hits I ripped the rack. I just drilled it up so it may work in the long run and I just need to get used to it.

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Re: The Lane#1 Test
« Reply #17 on: October 20, 2003, 10:52:37 AM »
I definitely agree with the post stating that its better to have too much ball in oil, then not enough.  As a result, I have to agree with the BCB for medium heavy conditions (this will cover any sort of carry-down you may run into as well).  Because the ball is so strong, and you are using it on medium to medium heavy conditions, I may not go with the 4X2 drill...  I would see that drill rolling pretty early...maybe too early for the shot.  I would think the "best" (at least in my opinion) lane#1 drill (label leverage, 4X5) would be more than sufficient.  Especially with your higher revs and slower speed.  This will give you some needed length, but still have a very strong backend.  The BCB core/cover are plenty strong.
Good luck!
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Re: The Lane#1 Test
« Reply #18 on: October 20, 2003, 11:19:57 AM »
Thanks, Strapper^2.
Good advice, I think. The more I think about it the more inclined I am towards that: BCB + 4x5. The Cranberry may be too weak, without a 4x0 and I hesitate to do that, at this point in time.

On 2nd thought, I'd have to see just how polished the BCB's core is before I'd drill it 10:30; even then I'd be inclined towards a 4.5x3.5 or a 4x3.
Of course with all the flare that the BCB has maybe a 5x3 with the pin above the ring finger might also work, again dependent of how polished and how much length I'd get with the BCB. (just a random thought or two.)

That brings up another point of discussion for Lane#1 fanatics:
Isn't the space between the Cranberry and the BCB big enough to drive a truck through?

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Re: The Lane#1 Test
« Reply #19 on: October 20, 2003, 11:30:23 AM »
Isn't the space between the Cranberry and the BCB big enough to drive a truck through?
No..!! Unless it's a Tonka truck. Both are solid resins, so how much difference can there be..?

Yes, the cores are different, as well as the resin, but if both had the same grit finish on the cover, there would be 5 boards maximum difference, but probably less. =:^D


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Re: The Lane#1 Test
« Reply #20 on: October 20, 2003, 11:41:50 AM »

The flare of the two are miles apart, which normally implies early and more hook. In this case, maybe a lot more. Isn't the BCB's flare atthe top of the scale 8"+ for strong handed player, while the Cranberry's is maybe 3-4" max?

And the BCB is supposed to be a stronger resin, no? That implies more hook.

I am only going by people's reported experience and the specs.
5 boards can be a considerable difference, but also doesn't the BCB handle higher quantiites of oil?
Have you drilled these two the same or similarly, and noted smaller differences?
That's not a challenge, just a real question.

Edited on 10/20/2003 11:51 AM
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Re: The Lane#1 Test
« Reply #21 on: October 20, 2003, 12:57:47 PM »
I have a Black Cherry drilled CG axis with a 5 1/2" pin. I am surprised at how smooth this ball is, as well as the length it gets. This ball doesn't overreact in the dry.

Now I don't have a Cranberry, but did have a Black Raspberry, drilled 5 1/2 x 3 3/8. The reaction seems very similar between the two, although I haven't used the Black Raspberry lately. I'd suspect the Cranberry to be close to the B Raz.

Flare doesn not equal total hook. Flare dictates where the hook begins and the shape of the hook. I can take balls that flare less, and hook them more than balls that flare more, depending on the conditions. =:^D


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Re: The Lane#1 Test
« Reply #22 on: October 20, 2003, 01:45:25 PM »
I have a Black Cherry drilled CG axis with a 5 1/2" pin. I am surprised at how smooth this ball is, as well as the length it gets. This ball doesn't overreact in the dry.

Now I don't have a Cranberry, but did have a Black Raspberry, drilled 5 1/2 x 3 3/8. The reaction seems very similar between the two, although I haven't used the Black Raspberry lately. I'd suspect the Cranberry to be close to the B Raz.

TG. THANK YOU VERY MUCH for the comments!!


Flare doesn not equal total hook. Flare dictates where the hook begins and the shape of the hook.

Yes, I agree and flare affect different classes of balls in dfferent manners.

I can take balls that flare less, and hook them more than balls that flare more, depending on the conditions. =:^D

But, in general, I believe that a similar ball, in this case a solid polished resin, shouldn't the larger flare of the BCB make it hook earlier and more and in a more curved (banana-shaped) manner than in a hooked (hockey-stick) manner??
I'd think the hockey shape of the Cranberry would also be the result of the influence of the high RG core.

The duller raspberry had a lower RG than the CRanberry but it also had a rougher, textured surface, so it should hook earlier. Phew, even though these balls are similar, there are many factors at work.

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Re: The Lane#1 Test
« Reply #23 on: October 20, 2003, 02:35:34 PM »
shouldn't the larger flare of the BCB make it hook earlier and more and in a more curved (banana-shaped) manner than in a hooked (hockey-stick) manner??
If it's hooking more in a curved(banana-shape), that means it hooks less, off the dry.

I wouldn't say more flare = more hook, just differently. When the lanes are oily, a ball that flares more and/or has a banana shape arc, will usually hookk more in oil.

But, when the lanes are drier, a ball with less flare and/or a hockey stick shape, will usually hook more.

My Black Raz was highly polished, so the surface would be the same as the Cranberry. =:^D

Edited on 10/20/2003 2:45 PM


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Re: The Lane#1 Test
« Reply #24 on: October 20, 2003, 02:51:06 PM »
Thanks, T-GOD. I think I agree with that.
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