Several weeks ago while I was at the Nationals I had some time to BS with Beans and also got the chance to have the Secret Sauce applied to my balls. I told him I'd post a review of the polish once I've used them a bit. So here it goes.
I haven't used the C+ much so I don't have allot to post about it, but the little I used it I could see that it got a bit more length and a bit more bite.
The G-Force on the other hand is about all I use anymore. So after 2 weeks and 2 700s I'm more then impressed. Just like the C+, I've seen a bit more length and more bite. Not that the ball was dead before, but man has it really came alive. I'm very impressed.
The shine is unbelievable, I've never seen a polish shine a ball like this before. Even my well used balls look better then any new ball out there...
A+ to Beans and now Lane#1 on such a great product.
The PICs don't do it justice: I just need to get around to ordering some for myself. LOL
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