OK fellas....
One week to go on the bread route and it is back to business as usual. Looking forward to meeting alot of you guys and gals.
As far as the Sauce is concerned. You actually can't get a dime size becasue the Sauce is not a paste or cream. IT will absorb quickly into your towel. I suggest taking a damp(not wet) towel and on your very first application on that particular towel. Use a about 10 drops on the towel. Spritz the ball with water and rub the Sauce on the ball. Then turn the spinner on and use moderate pressure. Then buff with a clean towel.
For future applications you only need to spray the towel with water and add 3-4 drops of polish for the whole ball. Buff ball same as above.
Never wash your towel as the magical Sauce particles will stay alive in the towel. They will just need to be woken up with a spritz of water. You should get at least 20-50 balls from an 8 oz. bottle depending how you use the Sauce.
Any questions?

Message me.
Thomas "Beans" Biniek Jr.
PBA Member and Lane#1 Ball Drilling Expert
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