There's a thread comparison on every other ball, so why not!
Looking for something to be just a touch longer and have a little bit more energy than my Red Death for a THS. Tried the Blue Death, but just isn't working for me, so I'm gunna put it back to OOB surface and save it for different lane conditions. Think the Timebomb might be stronger than the Red Death based on what I've read, so might not work out, just curious on some of your thoughts?
Red Death 280 32x4x58 P1 (79x4x59) 2000
Blue Death
32x4x55 P2 (82x4x59) 2000
Big Curve
61x4x59 P2 2000
62x4x30 DT 4000
FS: Mega Friction
FS: Mutant Cell