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Author Topic: To Clump aka SawMill regarding the new ball  (Read 883 times)


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To Clump aka SawMill regarding the new ball
« on: October 29, 2003, 12:42:43 PM »

I have a question about this new ball.  I just read that this ball is going to be a particle pearl with the cranberry core.  I still have an original pearl carbide that I use from time to time.   In what ways, if any, can I expect differences between the two?  Just how is this new gold ball supposed to act?  I also have a Gold Rhino Pro so it would be cool if I have 2 gold balls.  Chicks dig men that have gold!  

pchee2<~~~who needs balls of steel when you can have balls of gold?  Not this guy!

pchee2<~~~stroking the ball with MANLY revs and spraying the lanes for an average of a buck 62.  This guy is full of STUFF!


Saw Mill

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Re: To Clump aka SawMill regarding the new ball
« Reply #1 on: October 30, 2003, 09:37:54 AM »

WOOOOOOOOW!!!  What an honor for Clump to ask me to answer the Peach's questions!  Since Clump is busy with this new ad campaign, I will try to answer some of your questions.

First, yes 2 Gold balls are better than one, but more better than that, they are not 2 Blue balls, and you know how chicks are not digging the BB thing!  I will say that you might want to shine your Gold Rhino up, you do not want one of your balls to look dull.  Chicks may dig gold balls, but the definitely do not dig dull gold.

As for the reaction of this new Clump/BR Members inspired ball, weeeell, let's just say that in a word, "Golden"!  It will astound you with it's power.  People say that gold is soft, well forget that, this piece of gold hits hard.

As for the differences between the two pearl particles, I never had the the pear particle ball you speak of, but you can expect this ball to fit extremely well in your hand.  As soon as mr Buzzsaw releases the info, I will be able to ad more technical stuff.

If You Are Not Using a BuzzSaw, All You Get is SAW-dusted!!