I went to Greater Ozark Open Bowling Tournament over the weekend and took two bowling balls with me.One is the BuzzBomb,other one was Fantasy X which I did not use.In team event I shot games of 208,154 and 205 for 563 in team event.The second game I had somes splits.That was at 4:30 pm Saturday.Then on Sunday at 8:30 AM the singles and doubles.The singles I had 168,160 the first two games with some opens Which were splits.So I decided pull my head out and made a move.I stood in the middle and went thru the ball with my hand behind it by rolling the ball around the third arrow.I threw the first nine strikes in a row before leaving a six pin in the tenth for a spare and fill ball a baby split for a 278 game a 606 series.Then in the doubles by playing same line on the pair to the right I shot 187,194 and 202 for 583 series.You could not swing it too wide ending with washout.All this games shot at two different houses with the BuzzBomb.