What would you do in this situation.
About 6 months ago I had my XXXL crack in half. Crack runs from the fingers to the balance hole.
Last weekend, my Pearl bomb cracked the same way.
Bear in mind I have gotten years, hundreds of games, and multiple honor scores from both balls. In other words, no complaints.
Just in case there may be production problems I let Ritchie know what happened.
Of course, knowing Ritchie and the great folks at Lane 1, they said simply send them back and they would replace them.
Morally, I'm kind of up in the air. I never subjected the balls to any extreme temp changes (ie, baking, leaving them in the car, etc). I'm not really able to come up with any reason they cracked.
On the other hand, the balls aren't designed to last forever, maybe I just finally wore them out.
While funds are really tight and I can't really afford new equipment, I just feel I would be taking advantage of Ritchie by sending the balls back to him.
What would you do.