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Author Topic: Uranium HRG & G-Force Evolution  (Read 1146 times)


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Uranium HRG & G-Force Evolution
« on: August 09, 2007, 04:44:21 PM »
Howdy folks,

I'm going to sample the kool-aid this fall and I have ordered a couple of Lane #1 balls to get started. I have a G-Force Evolution sitting in the pro shop waiting to be drilled and I should have a Uranium HRG very soon (hopefully before fall league starts in September). How should I get these drilled so that they complement each other? My driller is looking at a label drill for the Evolution, so I'm thinking about doing something a little different with the HRG...just don't know what yet. I'm not a high-rev bowler and I usually play the track area, but I can mix it up and play a few different lines when needed. Without this turning into a CGNOMADDAH debate, what type of layout would give me the most versatile ball when everything is said and done?



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Re: Uranium HRG & G-Force Evolution
« Reply #1 on: August 10, 2007, 12:59:23 AM »
Here is one possibility.  Drill both the G-force evo and the HRG with the same layout, that way the difference in reaction is determined by difference of the balls potential.

Since you say you are not a high-rev bowler something along the lines of a 4x2 drill or even a simple stacked drill would work. Please keep in mind that this is just a suggestion.

Anyways, whatever you choose to do, let me know.


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Re: Uranium HRG & G-Force Evolution
« Reply #2 on: August 11, 2007, 07:44:13 AM »
My experience:

Drilled my Evolution pin over bridge, CG out (5x3), weight hole 2" down on VAL. Reaction is skid snap.
Drilled my HRG pin under ring, CG out (4.5x3), weight hole on PAP. Reaction is much smoother than the Evolution.

They work well together. I like the Evo when I am on my game. If I begin to fall apart, the smoother reaction of the HRG is more predictable.
Jon (in Ohio)
F.O.S. Proud Saw user...see profile.


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Re: Uranium HRG & G-Force Evolution
« Reply #3 on: September 09, 2007, 09:43:23 AM »
Well...first full week of using the Evolution and the results aren't too bad. Tuesday night scratch league I shot 794 (190, 182, 204, 218) and Friday night I shot 641 (235, 185, 221). The ball is drilled label, with the pin slightly above and outside of my ring finger with the CG in the grip center and the MB just left of my thumb. I just received the HRG on Friday, so I probably won't get that drilled until sometime next week.

What is the OOB finish on the Evolution? The house that I bowl in on Tuesday nights really burns the track into the ball and I'm finding that I need to polish the ball every week after bowling in that house. Time to get more Bean's Secret Sauce too...

Edited on 9/9/2007 9:47 AM


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Re: Uranium HRG & G-Force Evolution
« Reply #4 on: September 10, 2007, 11:10:02 AM »
I would finish the ball to about 800-1000 and then apply the Secret Sauce....That should get it as close to factory as you can.

The HRG is a 100% symetrical core so the CG does matter. If you want a good combo to your EVO put the pin under the fingers and kick the CG out with an xtra hole.  This will complement well.  beans

Try is as a 4.5 x 2.5 layout.

Beware if you are an inverted track or very high track player. Then keep the pins above your fingers.

Hope this helps.
Thomas "Beans" Biniek Jr.
PBA Member and Lane#1 Buzzhead
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Thomas "Beans" Biniek Jr.
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Re: Uranium HRG & G-Force Evolution
« Reply #5 on: September 10, 2007, 10:27:04 PM »
I thought Brunsnick said CGNOMADDAH...nevermind

Thanks for the advice Beans. By the way, I've been meaning to write a review on the sauce but just haven't gotten around to doing it. I left the sample bottles in the pro shop and they are gone, so somebody has been using the sauce and likes it as well. I'm trying to talk the pro shop owner into buying some to keep in the shop.


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Re: Uranium HRG & G-Force Evolution
« Reply #6 on: September 30, 2007, 03:29:48 AM »
Well...I love my new G-Force Evolution. 4 weeks into my friday night league and I have shot the following sets:

Week 1: 641 (235, 185, 221)
Week 2: 728 (246, 234, 248)
Week 3: 727 (245, 214, 268)
Week 4: 720 (259, 225, 236)

The Evolution is drilled label with the pin above the ring finger. The HRG is drilled with the pin above the bridge and the CG kicked out a little with a weight hole on VAL just below my PAP. I'm still trying to figure out the HRG, but I haven't really had to throw it much in league because the Evolution has been so good. I definately need to get more of the Bean's Secret Sauce for my Wednesday night league...a little on the dry/short oil side compared to my Friday night league.