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Author Topic: h2o problems  (Read 715 times)


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h2o problems
« on: January 27, 2008, 03:05:27 PM »
Recently the h2o has been rolling over the thumb. This ball used to be the favorite out of the bag and now i dont know.  I do not think i changed anything in my release as nothing else rolls.  I did polish it up again.  I was just wondering if anyone has any ideas like take polish off or add a hole or something.  I do track high but i do not have any trouble with anything else.
Adam Carreon

Northern Illinois
University Bowling




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Re: h2o problems
« Reply #1 on: January 28, 2008, 01:30:09 AM »
ok ... let me get this clear:
you had the ball and it worked fine
then you  ?? dulled ?? it or what - and it worked
then you repolished it and ...

and now it is tracking over the thumb.

 To me it seems that you actually did change something in your release cause just dulling should not change the track from what I know and have experienced. (but am by far no expert!)

was the track already near the thumbhole?
 Cause a small change in hand position or release can change the track from my oppinion and experience. I am a high tracker, too. Sometimes when I release the ball this oir that way. I can push the track away from the thumb by 1" with changein hand position.
That would be my 1st guess. You made one or several changes without noticing (maybe your game even profits from that?).

But maybe anyone else has a better idea?
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Edited on 1/28/2008 2:30 AM

Doug Sterner

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Re: h2o problems
« Reply #2 on: January 28, 2008, 07:10:57 AM »
Have you noticed any of your other balls tracking higher than normal? They may or may not actually hit the thumbhole but they may track higher if you altered your release.

Have you run across a lane condition recently where you were getting too much backend? If that is the case you may have unknowingly changed your roll to counteract that.

If you are a high tracker already and you make even a minute change in your release it may possibly cause the ball to roll over the thumbhole.

Most likely you have decreased the amount of tilt on the ball (more behind the ball with up the back roll) and that's the problem.

Have you also noticed a decrease in backend reaction? If you have I'd say that is definitely your problem. More tilt = more push = more backend reaction.

Try keying off your index finger more...make that finger the last finger you feel on the ball and see if that helps.

I would NOT change the ball surface yet.
Doug Sterner
Doug's Pro Shop
Owego, NY
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Doug Sterner
Doug's Pro Shop
Owego, NY

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Re: h2o problems
« Reply #3 on: January 28, 2008, 08:14:12 AM »
Somebody is messing with you...they turned the core inside your ball.
Jon (in Ohio)