heres the deal...
i put up a post on the brunswick board about this subject and got some pretty lame guesses.
ok, im in a new league, i have a brand new uranium, i bust that out first, practice was cut short for some reason on the first night, so i only got 1 shot with it, i released with side rotation, and it skated too far.
the pattern was pretty long, i had little success with the uranium, so i switched to my inferno, strugged with the breakpoint with the same release, so i switched to a more "up the back" release, and i strung up 5 in a row.
i didnt try the "up the back" release with the uranium, is there a reason why the uranium skated past the breakpoint when the layout/core is meant to roll earlier?
see the links above for pictures of layouts.
so this is why im thinkin about the hybrid dirty bomb.
im thinking im trying to throw balls not meant for the conditions.
but, it seemed like long medium oil, my ball had oil tracks till the mid 3rd game.
sounds like prime conditions for the uranium to me.