Chris needed to make adjustments during that match and didn't or made the wrong ones. I think he was forcing his armswing yesterday and when you do that, well, we saw the result. I don't think Randy was out to bash Lane #1, he was saying Chris needed to make a ball change because of his ball reaction, not because he was throwing an EU. Personally, I think nerves got Chris yesterday, not the fact that he was using a Lane #1 ball.
As far as the Lane #1 core being something magical, I don't believe that. I own a Tsunami and several Storm/Roto Grip balls and it doesn't hit any harder than my Fired Up, Diablo, or Oracle Vision. If anything, my Oracle Vision out hits it because of the asymmetric core. But I still like the Tsunami, and I do have my high game with it of 297, but I've thrown 288 with a Diablo and 289 with an Epic. Bowling today appears mostly about matching a ball to lane conditions once your fundamentals are sound. So I don't think one ball company is so much better than the rest. I'm not a big fan of Columbia and Track because of the thin coverstocks they use, but I probably own a ball from every other company. (except Brunswick)