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Author Topic: Lane #1's PBA Sunday  (Read 4958 times)


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Lane #1's PBA Sunday
« on: January 15, 2006, 03:25:14 AM »
Loschetter and Randy Pederson did everything they could to discourage Lane #1's EU sales with their performances on Sunday.  What a shame.  Loschetter had a solid week and seemed to want to throw the ball Mach 1 on TV.
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Re: Lane #1's PBA Sunday
« Reply #16 on: January 15, 2006, 02:58:07 PM »
Yep, that was not pretty to watch. It appeared Chris was not dialed in that's for sure, but I have to agree, the ball reaction was terrible. The shot did look tough, but I kept waiting for him to make a ball change, but I guess he preferred not too, unless he just switched to a different drilling & I didn't recognize it. Lane one has many balls to choose from, but maybe he just didn't have any others drilled up. Don't know, but there will be another day! Oh, yeah, I just have to say, Couch lives in a tree!!
Hardcore FOS

Rom 2:2 Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools


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Re: Lane #1's PBA Sunday
« Reply #17 on: January 15, 2006, 03:02:46 PM »
It is hilarious to me that the Lane 1 balls are so superior when someone strikes...but when they look like garbage it's the bowler's fault.

So typical....
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"This post is as necessary as a chitown post." - HeavyC 11/26/05

hmmmmm.....let's see.  Fast and right, wash out or 2-pin.  Slow and left 3-pin combination spare.  It's either the bowler's fault for throwing the shot or it's his fault for not correctly choosing the right ball for the conditions.  I don't care what type of ball he threw today, he threw it badly.
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Re: Lane #1's PBA Sunday
« Reply #18 on: January 15, 2006, 03:02:51 PM »
Chris just didnt throw the ball well today. I work at the place to drills his equipment aroud where he livs at home. He was throwing the ball a little harder today then normal, but I didnt have a chance to see him this week or talk to him to see how things were going. I dont know about everyone else but the ball rool was tramendous today when he actually got through his shot, ie. the 9 pin he left the ball rolled sweet. To me he was playing a little to far right, exspecially when he was deep all week( what a friend said) I dont think the ball is that bad although i do believe he might have had a better ball choice to play the part of the lane he tired to play today.


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Re: Lane #1's PBA Sunday
« Reply #19 on: January 15, 2006, 06:17:19 PM »
not on those conditions.
Cameron Weier

ok... so put out a condition that is specifically designed for lane 1 balls, put a pro out there who is dead nuts flush every shot, and then lane 1 is the second coming of christ ::rollseyes and passes jabroni a 6 pack::

C-G ProShop-Carl

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Re: Lane #1's PBA Sunday
« Reply #20 on: January 16, 2006, 12:05:19 AM »
I think the layout was a VERY bad choice for today. I said that in the other thread.....

however, at the sake of being funny----------does lane 1 offer the "guarantee" on the EU?

Carl Hurd

Austintown Ohio (Wedgewood Lanes)

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Re: Lane #1's PBA Sunday
« Reply #21 on: January 16, 2006, 12:19:17 AM »
Only if you don't throw it Excaliber.  
Perhaps it should be called the PU (pronounced Peee--yeeewww)
I am a fan of whatever ball is going to fatten my bank account.
Darren McLaughlin

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Re: Lane #1's PBA Sunday
« Reply #22 on: January 16, 2006, 12:44:59 AM »
Yea Chris looked bad out there today, but Machuga wasn't very good his 2nd match either.  I think he shot a 150 against Norm.

Wait...if I'm not mistaken...Lane 1 and Brunswick..same coverstock...hmm...

For the people who said that they're no longer interested in the um whatever ball Chris threw today...I bet you'll get a diffent reaction, that you would like, on a typical house shot.  Of course I've never thrown the ball, but I have owned 2 Lane 1 balls and both of them were quite nice.

If based on today's show we all went out and bought a new ball..we'd all be throwing "The One" and they would be on back order...which amazingly enough they are in a lot of the pro shops in my area.

On another note..BIG FAN of the Step Ladder and the Qualifying...I would love to see it go back to that.  Any comments?

The 7 Pin is my NEMESIS

Ultimate Inferno, the only ball I like


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Re: Lane #1's PBA Sunday
« Reply #23 on: January 16, 2006, 08:51:48 AM »
Chris Loschetter fault was that he did not moved with how the ball was moving. Not anyone has the brains of a Norman Duke. Chris just needed to move to the right. That was all he had to do. Follow the route of the ball. Remember that the lanes are the same playing field for all the bowlers. You play with whatever condition the lanes are and you can play whatever line you want. You make your own game.


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Re: Lane #1's PBA Sunday
« Reply #24 on: January 16, 2006, 09:05:20 AM »
Chris Loschetter fault was that he did not moved with how the ball was moving. Not anyone has the brains of a Norman Duke. Chris just needed to move to the right. That was all he had to do. Follow the route of the ball. Remember that the lanes are the same playing field for all the bowlers. You play with whatever condition the lanes are and you can play whatever line you want. You make your own game.

A move right was hooking early and crossing brooklyn.  Randy even said it himself.  Duke got through it throwing a frozen rope at the pocket.  That's Chris' bread and butter release combined with a poor ball matchup for the shot.  Bottom Line.  There weren't many options for righties on the TV pair.
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Re: Lane #1's PBA Sunday
« Reply #25 on: January 16, 2006, 09:18:00 AM »
Chris needed to make adjustments during that match and didn't or made the wrong ones.  I think he was forcing his armswing yesterday and when you do that, well, we saw the result.  I don't think Randy was out to bash Lane #1, he was saying Chris needed to make a ball change because of his ball reaction, not because he was throwing an EU.  Personally, I think nerves got Chris yesterday, not the fact that he was using a Lane #1 ball.  

As far as the Lane #1 core being something magical, I don't believe that.  I own a Tsunami and several Storm/Roto Grip balls and it doesn't hit any harder than my Fired Up, Diablo, or Oracle Vision.  If anything, my Oracle Vision out hits it because of the asymmetric core.  But I still like the Tsunami, and I do have my high game with it of 297, but I've thrown 288 with a Diablo and 289 with an Epic.  Bowling today appears mostly about matching a ball to lane conditions once your fundamentals are sound.  So I don't think one ball company is so much better than the rest.  I'm not a big fan of Columbia and Track because of the thin coverstocks they use, but I probably own a ball from every other company. (except Brunswick)