Beansproshop is looking for a few credible bowlers and/or pro shop owners to test a few companies ball maintenance products with video reviews. All testers will be supplied with polishes to be tested and in return will receive a FREE 8 oz. bottle of The"Secret Sauce" Premium Bowling Ball Polish on top of the tester bottles supplied. I am also working on a NIB! ball for the testers as well. The ball will be your choice instead of just a Lane#1 ball as to not influence the credibility of the reviews..
Thank you...beans
Please message me with a brief resume of your credentials and your contact informantion.(ie..Real Name,Email,phone and mailing address) I will only contact back the testing prospects.
Thomas "Beans" Biniek Jr.
PBA Member and Lane#1 Ball Drilling Expert
Thanks for reading and be sure to check us out at the Lane#1 booth in Albuquerque. Check out current eBay auctions at: Pro Shop of "ALL" F.O.S. Members!!!