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Author Topic: Well I did it, I am stirring the Kool-Aid right now, how long until my Avg. goes up?  (Read 5046 times)


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Haha, sorry to jump right in with my first post in the Lane 1 forum pissing people off, but I just couldn't help it.

I have always wanted to try a Saw but never have, but I just bought the Carbide + that Warren300 had on Ebay, so I finally get my chance!

What's to expect out of the C+?  Not many reviews on here, but all were positive.  I am looking for it to be my "heavier" oil ball.  Not flood, but medium heavy I guess.  I dropped to 14lbs not too long ago, so I am still piecing my arsenal together, but if the C+ works like I think it will, lineup should be

Resurgence - Flood
Carbide + - Med Heavy
Hei$t - Med - Med Light
High Rev - Light
For Sale or trade for 14lb equipment:
Looking for any 14lb Hammers, particularly older oddball stuff.
So if you have a 14lb Faball or Diesel or Vicious or Blade or Hawg laying around shoot me a PM



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I like kool-aid.

No honestly, C+ is a good ball, I use it on floods too, you wont be disappointed. Great ball.

Ten Pin Lanes Pro Shop
St. Matthews, KY
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Trinity High School "A" Bowling Team
Louisville, KY
State champs- 2002, 2003, and 2008

Pimpin ain't easy-it's mandatory.


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No agendas I just think that there are those out there that overstate a balls ability because of a manufacturer.  Lane 1 is notorious for overstating there equipment, how many PBA members do you see throwing Lane 1?  Why is that?


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Are you saying that the Buzzbomb lived up to its orginal hype of being the most hooking ball ever and an oil monster?  After Rictchie backed off on that statement, many more Buzzbomb bolwers were happier with their Buzzbombs.  There was way too much hype on the Buzzbomb when it first cme out. One of the reasons tht Ricthie took so many back in the beginning.  Again, not slamming the Buzzbomb, I still throw one, but there was way too much hype.

Nicanor (Ten On The Deck)
Nicanor (Ten On The Deck)


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I like my C+ alot.  The Buzzbomb was a dud, until I polished it.  I actually didn't see enough oil and the ball would die because it would burn up.  Once I matched the surface with the condition I was bowling on, the ball was a beast.  I still use it.


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My C+ remains on of my favorite balls to date, but I don't get to use it very much anymore because the house I bowl at has been flooding the lanes with out lately and the C+ just isn't strong enough but my BuzzBomb sure gets the job done.
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Mini-update.  Got the ball in the mail, went to throw it on my lunch break.  Span doesnt fit me at all, thumbhole too big, etc.  Threw it anyway.

All I have to say is Holy Crap.  This thing hooks early and hard! I am a low speed stroker with low revs and usually play the 10-5 down and in area...

But there was no way that was happening with the C+.  First ball I threw that way down the 5 just barely chopped the 7 off!!!

Granted I was throwing even slower than usual due to the poor fit of the ball, but then again I couldnt stay behind and under it either, so I think it will be similar when I can put a few more revs on it.

Anyway by the end of the game I was standing farther left than I have ever stood in my life (all the way!) lofting it half way to the arrows at about 18, out to about 8, turn the corner and KERBOOOOOM!!!

I am still sort of shocked as I sit here typing it.  I can't really imagine what it will do when it fits me and gets a resurface.  Geez.
For Sale or trade for 14lb equipment:
Looking for any 14lb Hammers, particularly older oddball stuff.
So if you have a 14lb Faball or Diesel or Vicious or Blade or Hawg laying around shoot me a PM

Roy Munson

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. . . now you can drink that Kool-Aid
Roy: Hey, I hope you don't mind,
I got up a little early, so I took the liberty of milking your cow for you.
Yeah, it took a little while to get her warmed up, she sure is a stubborn one, whew.
[Takes a drink from the bucket]
Mr. Boorg: We don't have a cow. We have a bull.
Roy: I'm gonna brush my teeth.


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as Krusty says:


Just got mine drilled.... and guess what... my driller did the impossible... he managed to position the pin (1" pin!) rather high in a stronger position with keeping finger and sideweight positive while getting 0 on topweight! HA!

Haven't thrown it yet as I need to do all the thumbhole cosmetics first (I am a bit... BAH! I AM A LOT FINICKY about the thumbhole - I admit it! and that needs special care )

The ball has a slight polish by hand to give it a tad more lenght... but I will see more as soon as I threw it.

Sebastian Koch
"Have fun and bowl well!" - Grayson
"Some things are made so even idiots won't fail using them.... But I ask what about the genius?" - Grayson


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Edited on 7/9/2008 3:53 PM


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first impressions:
Here's the picture:

Lane Condition:
Modified House shot 38 ft broader and more oil than med... almost heavy with the high temperature and moisture in the air.. very slick lanes

Perfect line for my Machine to score:
standing 20 ... aiming 10 (2nd arrow) out almost down and in and the Machine goes down and almost snaps into the pocket as the oil is really too much for the Machine to read the midlane...

so... the Carbide+ was ideal! This is the condition I wanted the ball to work on.

standing 25
target 10

see the breakpoint

Rolling characteristics:

very strong midlane read!

this baby holds the lane and goes down smooth

then it makes a strong movement towards the pocket

personal impression:

the Carbide+ with this layout for me means two things:
If I don't rev it it will still make it's move but is rather weak then.... BUT: carries like crazy! get it to the pocket and it will smash em down! I have not seen this with my Machine the whole 10 games I played.
miss... and the Carbide+ won't really make it.

I was told the Carbide+ is not the oiler L#1 promoted it to be but a very strong ball for med-heavy and that is true

Personal problems:
I can't rev it really... the thumb seems to be to tight right now...
This was very frustrating seeing my MAchine go down with 350+ revs and make a jump on the backend when the C+ was goin down so lazy... well this means for me I start playing slow... which means the ball becomes o/u
I had sanding paper with me and opened the thumb but that is not enough... I need a bevel knife.

But each "reved" shot (with an extensive use of powder) in the pocket carried! EVERY SINGLE ONE! light... brooklyn... I had either strikes or missed pockets and then nasty splits.

Compared to the Machine (my stronges so far) this ball is by far not so jumpy on the backend but needs more oil to work. I can play it in the drier zone of the lane but why should I? I have a pearl particle right in the bag

I don'T want to rate the ball already cause I had some troubles today with it but also some enlightened moments. Normaly I need some time to figure out how to use a ball and so it will be with the C+.
Just that I am not the guy taking a new drilled ball and shooting high scores... that was never the case. But after some time I either fall in love... or hate it.

Let's see how the C+ does

anything forgot.... AH yes...

the coverstock is so soft I can see trackmarks already after 10 games...I knew this from my first one and I hope the coverstock will hold longer than I fear... I will resurface it now and then but I like the raction I get right now.. with the oob + slightly polish.

any idea how to keep it other than getting a abralon pad cause the grey scothcbright are too low grit.

well... read more later cause this needs some thumb adjustments and more testing.

Sebastian Koch
"Have fun and bowl well!" - Grayson
"Some things are made so even idiots won't fail using them.... But I ask what about the genius?" - Grayson


Unoffical FAQ
Hot Water Bath - instructions and experience

Bowling lessons and tips VIDEOS - VERY GOOD!