charlest, I have sanded it to 1000 with finesse IT, the pin distance of the ball is 2.5 inch. so I put the pin under the finger. I don't have much experience on the solid PK18. what is the best finish and layout for reverse block old wood lane ? and with this short pin ball ?
compare with my 1" pin (just under ring) Original black BZ and my 4 x 3 pin under ring, Balance hole 4:30 past VAL GN, this blueberry cannot give me a continuous break, I know I should missed some combination/magic of this ball, so that is why I posted in my first message that what is the best layout and finish of this ball.
This is the 2nd Lane1 ball that make me confuse, the other one is polished SCB with drilled with 5x5 pin over the fingers. the ball is roll-out everytime. I am now drilled this ball with pin above ring and CG kick out 2" , balance hole in PAP but not played yet. I have lots of successful to drill all my bomb equipement with this layout but because of the nature of the SCB, my first drilling of this ball of 5x5, actually, I want to get more length but the effect is not.
thanks !
Edited on 4/29/2007 10:13 PM