bomb cores in general pull further down the lane and want to flip more on the back end and as said diamonds tend to be a little rollier
why some dont match up
bomb core with higher speed lower revs, the ball will tend to push too far and miss the break (can be fixed by a little surface on the ball generally)
bomb core lower speed higer revs, wants to flip hard off the spot and reads the dry early, (once again surface change can make a difference)
diamond core higher speed lower revs, the diamond tends to want to start up earlier in most cases, but this seems to be ideal for most of the bowlers I see
diamond core lower speed higher revs, once again too much friction off the spot
all of these condtions can be controlled better by drilling and or surface prep
I was one of those lower speed higher rev guys (15 mph, 425 revs) everything came off the friction hard no matter what, I always played in deep , to me the bombs didnt cut it, they had lost so much energy they didnt have the pop for me. I did work on speed and have since adjusted my speed to revs ratio a little better and learned some hand adjustments, softer hand techniques and they have been wonderful. The bomb cores now are very good, and the diamonds still rock, best ball i had for playing outside from lane 1 was the hybrid dirty bomb, (outside for me was prolly a 10-3 type shot, not necessarily up the boards, I have a weakly drilled tsunami that I can really fly up the outside that is money on tough shots, i play alot of times 5-3 with that ball
drilling, surface prep and bowlers style will dictate more of playing up the boards then anything
F.O.S Loud, F.O.S. Proud
Lane #1 Baby