Well I recieved my test ball and will have a full review up tonight but here's some info. First impression when I opened the box was the nice marbled color it had. Similar the the Morich TS&A but alittle darker with bright yellow lettering. The Lane#1 diamond logo is twisted to represent the new core and the Mass Bias is represented by a offset MB stamped in it.More to come tonight.
Drilling: Pin under MB @ 45 degree w/X hole placed 2" down PAP
Bowlers Stats: Speed 17-18,Rev Rate 450-500,Axis Rotation 15-30
Well sorry guys,I could only thru the ball about 6 frame because it was extremely to strong for the shot I was on. I highly recommend and one who does some work to the ball go with a weaker drill and polish.This is definely the strongest ball from Lane#1 and needs oil.It will be a strokers dream!!! I will be going to another house and will hopefully be able to get a review up.
Got a question email me at warren@hebowlingsupply.com
Visit my ebay store or on the web at
http://stores.ebay.com/H-E-Bowling-SupplyH&E Bowling Supplywww.hebowlingsupply.comEdited on 1/27/2007 10:08 AM