I like mine. I have discovered recently, however, that it is not much good on carrydown. I originally thought that it would be based on how I noticed that it had a tendency to try to bull its way through late mid-lane "hold," but it definitely skates on carrydown. I have since scuffed it to 500 with Abralon and lightly touched it with Black Magic, and this helps without making it react too early in the mid-lane.
I think if your speed and revs match up well, the Enriched is definitely a "medium" ball. If you are rev-dominant, you may be able to use it on heavier oil. If you are speed-dominant, (me...slightly at least) you may be able to use it on the lighter side of medium.
Very strong move and very good hit, but not on carrydown. I should note, however, that it will tell you when you have carrydown. When that happens, I recommend a ball change rather than trying to force it.
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