Spare problem solved.
Wanted the XXXL to be a strike ball when dry.
Well I drilled weak label touching ring cg under grip center.
Well it really won't strike much on our condition (40 foot shot synthetics)unless you get those Norm Duke 5 pin fallin after the ball has passed it sort of things....(how does he do that...wind?).
But I have found the synthetic lanes spare ball of spare balls.
My observation of my problem with my shiny white dot was it just scooted in the heads! Quick and a 1/2 board miss either side was to the gutter or right by the pin! I have so many 7 pin misses by paint and so many pins touched that wouldn't fall...I wanted to shoot myself or more safely for of my teammates.
However, since I started using this for my spareball I am a different man.
This ball slightly dulled(don't know grit)....does NOT scoot thru heads...Very controllable roll all the way down the lane then about a 2 to 3 board smooth rolling hook and PICK...gone. I've gone about 2 boards deeper with feet and I've gone from 55% say up to over 85%! if not a touch higher.
I believe last night I only had one open...and since I've NEVER been all clean..I don't think...I was pretty happy!
I bowled next to the #2 300 man in the country last night and after a 289 he had a 10 pin with a shiny the gutter right in front!
I wanted him to hand him my new spare ball and say have at it...but unfortunately he is a wrong sider.
PS now I want one to drill stronger for strikes! do you have one?
Open the door...see what's possible...and just walk right on through...that's how easy success feels..