I have both also, and would have to agree with the previous posts. I can only throw my SCB(Which I thank Howard Roberson for) when the lanes are totally flooded, which is what it is designed for. I throw my Cherry Bomb on alot more conditions. It is alot more aggressive than my Emerald Pearl, but the Emerald Pearl is very smooth to me. I have my arsenal laid out like this from most aggressive to least: 1- Super Carbide Bomb 2-Carbide LRG 3-Carbide Bomb 4-Cherry Bomb 5-Emerald Pearl 6-Pearl Viper. I do have an original Carbide on the way but am unsure where I will fit it into the arsenal. The first 2 roll up earlier for heavier oil and the Carbide Bomb begins the lengthening process to gradually get farther down the lanes. However, all of these balls have great hitting power. I have shot numerous honor scores with all of them.