mini review for those interested
Chuck and the guys at lane #1 were kind enough to send me a test ball, the G Force Evolution, 2-3 pin 3.5 top and 15# 3 oz out of box (and one of the sweetest looking balls in some time)
Laid this out pin under ring a whopping 1" placed the cg in the 3.375 leverage position from pap, took ring extra deep and thumb extra deep, ended up with 1 oz of side, left it at this to try out figured i could add a weight hole if needed
left the ball in oob condition, went to an old brunswick house with 8 year old synthetics, monday morning so i knew there was no head oil and probably some carry down. as a starting line i stood feet on 25 targeted 15 with my hybrid dirty bomb, shot came in brooklyn so the lanes were as i thought they would be. second shot i threw my 4 x 0 drilled teal saw, moved a little right threw and same result.
Took out the evolution. I punched it the way i did to look for a replacement for my cherry c/2. standing on 30 swinging over 18 the ball came in a tad high, moved left foot to 43, open stance up a tad targeted over 22 to the 12 board at 45 feet, ball made a strong defined move to hole, carried well, the more i threw this line the better the ball became. time to try different hand postions, so i moved right to ten board, came straight up the back, ball went brooklyn, move 5 boards rigth with feet, 2 with target and bam back in the hole. nice rolling peice, think i may punch a hole in the thumb quad to take some thumb out of it and add to the fingers looking for a more pronounced look. I think it will compliment my cherry, not sure yet aobut replacement. and it is 5-8 boards stronger then my hybrid dirty bomb
thanks lane #1 for letting me give this ball a whirl, looks like it may be a great rolling great hitting peice. will post pics tonight, along with my results tomorrow night of league on a fresh shot
F.O.S Loud, F.O.S. Proud
Lane #1 Baby