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Author Topic: Why has Lane 1 gone to making so many skid flip bowling balls?  (Read 1365 times)


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Why has Lane 1 gone to making so many skid flip bowling balls?
« on: February 19, 2006, 09:29:52 AM »
It seems to me that Lane 1 has developed a lot of skid flip bowling balls of late. Why did they go in this direction or are there a couple of Lane 1 balls of late that are not skid/flip that I haven't purchased.


Nicanor (Ten On The Deck)
Nicanor (Ten On The Deck)



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Re: Why has Lane 1 gone to making so many skid flip bowling balls?
« Reply #1 on: February 19, 2006, 05:44:08 PM »

I agree that the manufactuers try to manufacture bowling balls that sell, but for my own game a ball that skid snaps isn't very often the ball for the average bowler to score with.  Lane 1 also tounts that they have the most 800/300 honor scores per capita, but I think that number will dwindle if they continue to manufacture mostly skid flip bowling balls.  I throw all Lane 1 excpet for the White Dot, so I'm not bashing Lane 1, I just want something different. Like something to replace my Vetrigo.

Nicanor (Ten On The Deck)
Nicanor (Ten On The Deck)

Doug Sterner

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Re: Why has Lane 1 gone to making so many skid flip bowling balls?
« Reply #2 on: February 19, 2006, 05:49:33 PM »
I disagree with 2 head.

The reason Lane 1 has developed harder backending balls is that they didn't have any before. Their history is riddled with strong rolling balls that were very arcy in nature.

The Silver Diamond was the last real hard backender they had. The Cherry Bomb never really snapped and neither did the U Pearl. They were both strong pearls but never fit the skid-snap monicker in my opinion.

The last skid-snap they made was the Dirty Bomb and it did it well!

The Tsunami isnt a snapper and neither is the H2O in my opinion. The Enriched does backend well but also rolls very hard in the midlane.

I, for one, welcome the addition of the H2O and the new Cobalt because my game and our lanes do not allow the use of hard rolling strong midlane reading balls.

Just my humble opinion....

Doug Sterner
Doug's Pro Shop
Owego, NY
Feel the Power of the FOS with new Enriched Uranium from Lane 1!!
Doug Sterner
Doug's Pro Shop
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Re: Why has Lane 1 gone to making so many skid flip bowling balls?
« Reply #3 on: February 20, 2006, 01:48:15 PM »
I agree with Doug, with the exception of the Cherry Bomb, but either way, there are those he mentioned that are NOT skid/flip, thus they needed the ne additions.  Peral Uranium and teh Solid U were rolling balls, and they have those covered, but the new snap balls will fill their need for the back end balls.

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Re: Why has Lane 1 gone to making so many skid flip bowling balls?
« Reply #4 on: February 20, 2006, 02:04:59 PM »
Based on their video section,...I've never really seen a Lane1 ball really "snap" so to speak....hard arc, sure,...but not snap,...IN MY EYES
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Re: Why has Lane 1 gone to making so many skid flip bowling balls?
« Reply #5 on: February 21, 2006, 11:57:07 AM »
Based on their video section,...I've never really seen a Lane1 ball really "snap" so to speak....hard arc, sure,...but not snap,...IN MY EYES

Jeff: Sometimes it's hard to tell with videos -- style, drilling, lane conditions, etc., come into play when determining what a ball can (or can't) do.

I can say that after broad experience with several ball manufactures, and understanding the capabilities of different equipment, my Golden Nugget and Dirty Bomb are very high on the overall "snap" scale. These pieces are snappy to the point where I find them more condition specific than general purpose balls.

I agree with the premise of Nicanor's post that Lane#1 appears to be expanding in the direction of skid/snap equipment, which of course has to do with expanding market base -- it's all about profit, and there is nothing wrong with Lane#1 expanding into 'hook shape' areas that were not previously part of their claim to fame.

I could personally live with a three ball arsenal of a Solid Uranium, Pearl Uranium and Enriched Uranium (Particle/Pearl), and cover everything but the most extreme conditions with confidence. Of course, Lane#1 isn't going to stay in business producing balls with just the low-RG traditional diamond, so the new variety we're seeing isn't a surprise.
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Re: Why has Lane 1 gone to making so many skid flip bowling balls?
« Reply #6 on: February 21, 2006, 01:49:02 PM »
I have different opinion .. I am sure it is because of different styles

Uranium (drilled stacked 4x4) is nothing but skid-snap for me
Enriched Uranium can be both, if wet condition all the way then it is strong arc .. if there is any dry board, it will snap like crazy

BCB, H2O, DB, SU .. all give me a nice strong arc .. but no snap
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