I said they were superior (which I have the right to that opinion), BUT I also said that they match up more often than they do not (I would dare say to more bowlers than any other company), which could imply that they are better, not to mention the physics aspects. The reason so many people seem to lean towards other companies (regardless of any possible superiority), would seem to be their complaints regarding the cost(as often screamed in the debates over Lane 1).
Also, the superiority would definitely be a result of the company's relationships with its users. As stated, most people do not know the names of people within the organization, BUT most Lane 1 users do, and have even talked with some. I have often called, and they (Richie and Chuck, and a few others) taken the time for questions, as well as personal conversation. I would like to see how many other bowlers can call Storm or Columbia, ask a few questions, and then just talk about general stuff, as well as when you mention your name, the person says, " hey Dave, how's it going". I would bet that Lane 1 knows more of their "average Joe" bowler, than any other company.
You seems to have been personally angered, just because of my position, but just as many bowlers have the right to say Lane 1 sucks, I have the right to say that they are the best. It would also seem reasonable that to be the best, you would have to be better than the rest, and being "better" would imply superiority. Sorry if you were offended, but none was intended towards you, or meant to imply any ill respect to you, whether you like lane 1 or not.
Romans 1:15&16; "So much as is in me, I am ready to preach the gospel to you to you that are at Rome also. For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ; for it is the power of God unto salvation, to everyone that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to Greek!
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