Bowler profile:
* Slow to medium-slow speed (12 mph avg.)
* PAP 2 1/4 over 3/4 up
* Low to medium-low revs, but improving
She currently throws a 14-pound Roto Grip Silver Streak SE at 2000 Abralon with no polish. We're going to stay at 14 pounds in weight due to a pre-existing back injury.
What we're having trouble with in regards to the SSSE is a lack of consistent reaction at the breakpoint. This is one of my old balls and it's the reason I gave it to her in the first place. I was hoping that with her different PAP numbers and such that she could throw it well. It hasn't worked out that way.
She previously had a BVP Rampage and a Columbia Throttle when she was still using 12-pound equipment. The Rampage was a polished pearl and the Throttle a matte-finish solid. She seemed to be more consistent with the Throttle but had better scoring potential with the Rampage.
I'm thinking about moving her to something from Lane #1 but not really sure what to get her, how to drill it or how to prep it. I'm eyeing a G-Force Nebula because I can get one for cheap, NIB. While that might seem like too strong of a ball for our medium- to medium-light lane conditions, she does need a little help getting to the pocket sometimes. She has the tendency to break down her wrist right at the point of release and not get a lot of turn on the ball.
My biggest questions are layout and surface prep. I've not drilled a bunch of stuff for someone with such a short PAP, so I'm kind of nervous about doing this, as I'm afraid she's going to thump the holes if the pin ends up on the negative side. We left the pin above the bridge on the SSSE -- where it was when I used the ball -- because we didn't know what her PAP was going to be beforehand. With it in that position, her layout works out to basically a 2x2.