Just an update. I got it drilled yesterday after going in there right when the pro shop opened so I could talk to him about the whole situation. After everyone's advice about it being very possible to still drill it label, I decided that I needed to go in for more information.
It turns out that the only reason for not drilling it label was that the bridge could crack later down the road. He knew it was "possible" to drill it label. But since he would have to drill the finger holes deeper than normal to take out the extra top weight (and because finger grips will add some weight back on), he was worried about cracking...just because it is important to keep the shop's reputation and professionalism up. And that makes sense to me, you don't want to drill something and have it crack on a guy later on. But once he explained that to me and we talked about it, we went ahead with the label drill.
The bottom of the finger holes cracked through at the very bottom where they met up (like my driller said it would), but I guess that's no guarantee that it will end up cracking all the way to the top. I mean, even if it does, it won't affect the ball any. And if for some reason the bridge cracks out completely, I guess I can just have it plugged and re-drill the finger holes the same again.
In the end everything worked out well. He said the ending top weight was about 2.9. Not too bad! I just wasn't altogether sure why he didn't want to drill it label. Not because he "couldn't", but because he was being cautious with cracking. Thanks for everyone's help! Oh, and Doug, hopefully that doesn't happen to me. I guess if I can't carry, I'll just have to learn to snap it a bit more.