I got them punched out today, heres how there layed out:
cobalt - pin under ring stacked oob surface
enriched - pin next to ring stacked x hole on pap 1000 grit
tsunami - pin over bridge stacked 600 grit
well the enriched was strongest by a board or two, then the tsunami but it started about 6 feet earlier, and weakest was the cobalt, it didint move, because of the shot mostly and also becase the thumb was so tight I couldent get out of it, but the shot was key. it was 50 feet of flat slop with no backends on wood. but the enriched really impressed me, the shot is known for the lowest grit in the bag hooks the most, but this went loooong and took off at 50ft. the tsunami started to grip a little at 35 ft and then bolted at 45ft. but I didint leave a single 7 pin, thats amazing. but the thing that got me the most was my ultimate inferno wont turn a board on the same shot. i will have to get back with a more thuro reveiw after tomarrow night when I bowl on sinthetics with clean backends. I cant wait!
Go MaxBob, Chris Barnes, Tommy Jones, Patric Allen, and Jason Couch!!!!!
bowling is my way of telling pins some times they just need to lay the fu*k down
ancient chineese proverb:
"I'm not as think as you drunk I am"
Edited on 3/30/2006 6:09 PM