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Author Topic: Guaranteed  (Read 13991 times)


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« on: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM »
Ball NPS Score: Not Available
Great midlane traction, fast reving controlled break point. Truly an example of control and power.

Color Purple
Coverstock Particle
Core 2-piece
RG 2.61
Differential 0.039
Factory finish Matte
Weights 14 thru 16lbs
Lane Conditions Heavy Oil


BuddiesProShopcom - Bill

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Re: Guaranteed
« Reply #1 on: January 30, 2005, 08:28:44 PM »
I laid this ball out by putting the Pin 4" from my Positive Axis Point and the CG 4" from my Positive Axis Point.

I tested this ball on three different house shots, along with a heavy oil sport shot.

I found the Lane Master Guaranteed to have a strong arcing motion on all the patterns, and very easy to control. I think this a ball that you can use on a variety of lane condition when you adjust the surface to taylor what you are looking for. In the box condition, I was able to throw this ball on all the Medium to Heavy Oil shots that I came across. On all the shots the ball gave the strong arcing motion to the pocket with the Lane Master hitting power, that you find in all of their balls.

If you are looking for a Lane Master ball to go with this ball, for Medium-Light Oil patterns, pick up the Absolute Power.

Any questions, please email me at

"The Place All Bowlers Shop"


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Re: Guaranteed
« Reply #2 on: March 22, 2005, 06:39:38 PM »
I just got this ball about three weeks ago.  I love this ball.  It rolls nice and it has a great snap on the backend.  My first league night with this ball, i averaged 38 pins above my normal average.  I have to put this ball away though when the lanes dry out.  I have it drilled mild so it won't hook a lot.  I love to throw this ball.  This is a must have.
Dick Weber will be missed.


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Re: Guaranteed
« Reply #3 on: March 29, 2005, 11:36:35 AM »
Right handed bowler
15.5-19 mph
Avg amount of hand
Ball Weight-15.3
3+ pin
Drillin- 11o'clock
I agree with what Bill is saying about this ball in every thing. This ball is very smooth and just keeps coming in the backend which is nice to see out of a particle ball. Hits like a fright train one of the hardest hitting particle balls I have ever owned. Works very well on med oil shots or with carry down. Have not really tried it on a true oil shot. That is why I bought it lol. Once I do I will write again.

Not sure what to drill, drill a Storm or a Track there is no better.
Mike Marchak
NIU Grad 2010
Forward Together Forward Never Forget
I have Huskie Pride, how about you?


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Re: Guaranteed
« Reply #4 on: April 10, 2005, 03:50:41 AM »
My Favorite drilling is a REV/Leverage for this ball. With the PIN 4" from PAP and 1 1/2" above midline. Kick the CG out 2 to 2 1/2" depending on how high the track is. This ball will rev up early and keep on coming. Ive drilled many balls with this drilling and I can say this ball doesn't lose anything. It just keeps going.

Being a ball driller I have found this ball to be one of the most versatile to drill. In all applications I am able to drill this ball according to PIN positions and not even worry about the result. The customer asks for a certain reaction and I can give it to them. The customers keep coming in and saying how wonderful the ball is and thanking me for drilling it. What a satisfying feeling it is to drill this companies equipment.

I don't even have to sell the product now. People just walk in and say, "Where are the Legends balls?"

Folks if you don't own one of these balls please do yourself a favor and get one. You will not be disappointed.

Bowl well to all!!!


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Re: Guaranteed
« Reply #5 on: August 13, 2006, 08:40:31 AM »
I just purchased this ball three weeks ago and it already paid off.  This balls comes back from the outside with continuous hook and power.  This is my fourth ball from Legends and getting to be my best.  It works great on heavy oil and it may be suited better for a stroker.

In any case, I had a 300 the other day.

Thanks Legeneds!


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Re: Guaranteed
« Reply #6 on: October 05, 2007, 06:35:10 AM »
Picked this up NIB from Laybzz74 after he offered it for sale on  I had this ball drilled up to hook and hook a lot.  Pin is left of the ring finger about an inch and CG directly below.  Threw it tonight for the first time.  Conditions were heavy oil (my teammate's No Mercy wasn't turning very strong at all even though he just had it resurfaced to 1000).

I threw The Guaranteed across the 15 board at the arrows to a break point at about the 5 board and this ball is an absolute monster!  It carried through the heads with ease, was surprised by how well it traveled through the mids, and then it turned with a hard, smooth arc, and crashed into the pocket absolutely destroying the rack.  This is easily the most aggressive, hardest hitting ball I have ever thrown.

I'm aware that "hits like a _______" is very over used here, but The Guaranteed hits like an overloaded freight train without brakes smashing through a china shop.  The pins flew like I have never seen...this ball hits so hard that it also carried on both light and high pocket hits.  First time I ever had a ball pay for itself on the first night out, but did I swept the pots in the first and second games.  I put it away for the third game as the oil on the lanes started breaking down.  I'm now a Lanemasters Slave!  This ball easily gets a 10 out of 10 in my book.  I love this ball!

11/10 update - Contrary to popular belief, a Lanemaster ball can lose some of its zing.  This ball no longer makes it back to the pocket when I throw across the lane on heavy oil.  The Guaranteed is still a good heavy oil ball, but I've had to shift signifcantly left and throw more of a down and in shot.  If I try to throw this ball across the lane on less than heavy oil, it burns out before it hits the pocket and ends up hitting fairly weak.  So this is now a fairly one dimensional ball...but I've owned several balls that I had drilled up for a down-and-in shot on heavy oil and the Guaranteed works better than any of those balls ever did on this type of shot.

See vid:


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Re: Guaranteed
« Reply #7 on: April 26, 2010, 11:41:58 PM »
Came across this ball from a friend of mine. He recommended that this would be a good ball for me, and boy was he right! I got the thumb drilled out and threw a practice game with it. I got it out way past my target, and to my surprise it came back with a vengeance. I buried it in the pocket way right of my overall target. Needless to say I put his quickly in my bag and was looking forward to using it on a league night. When it came time to use it I shot a high 600 with it. In the 670's or 80's. I began to use it for months to come and didn't need to make very many equipment changes throughout the night. It is a very versatile ball and can read the lane well if you make the right move. I shot my first sanctioned 300 game with it very recently. It was an accurate statement when my friend recommended it to me. I also came up with a new catch phrase after receiving the ball. When i bury a ball in the pocket I come back off the approach and say, "That ball was Guaranteed"! Overall I am extremely pleased with the Guaranteed. Although it is somewhat hard to come across. If you ever do find one and the deal is reasonable I would recommend to jump on the deal. It will be worth it in the long run in my opinion. If you like a skid-snap reaction then this is a great choice of equipment. On a 1-10 scale, I would give the LaneMasters Guaranteed a 10+. Thanks LaneMasters!