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Author Topic: Legends Black Pearl  (Read 25438 times)


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Legends Black Pearl
« on: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM »
Coverstock: Traction Reactive XLP
Ball Color: Black Pearl
Finish: Polish
Flare Potential: 7" (Medium-High)
RG Average: 2.615 (Medium-High) on a scale of 2.43-2.8 Very low-High Break Point
RG Differential: 0.055 (Medium-High) on a scale of .000-.080 Low-High Flare
Recommended Lane Conditions: Medium-Heavy Oil Oil
Description: The Black Pearl is the first particle pearl bowling ball in the Lane Masters Bowling Legends Series. Designed for medium to heavier volumes of oil, it matches the Dynasty Core from the New Standard with a particle enhanced version of our Masterpiece coverstock called Traction Reactive XLP. With the factory finish, it will match distance and hook potential ideal for medium volumes of oil. However, when the particles are exposed by scuffing the surface with a gray or burgundy abrasive pad, it will produce a distance and hook potential suited more for heavier volumes of oil.


Scraps Z

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Re: Legends Black Pearl
« Reply #16 on: January 24, 2008, 09:57:54 AM »
Tweener...16 MPH with medium revs.  Ball drilled 5 x 4.5

Rolled the Black Pearl with OOB finish and did not like it very much.  Seemed a bit over/under on a 40ft medium house shot.  I used the included gray scotch brite pad & water on my spinner, this left a "shiny sheen" finish.  

Last night in my first full game with the Black Pearl, I shot my first ever 300.  Movement is VERY strong yet consistent at the breakpoint.  The hitting power is nothing I've ever used in my 25+ years of bowling.

This is my first Legends/Lane Masters ball but it will definitely not be my last.  I highly recommend this ball and if you do not like the OOB finish, try the scotch brite, I am sure glad I did.


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Re: Legends Black Pearl
« Reply #17 on: February 05, 2008, 10:44:08 PM »
Just a few words about the Legends Black Pearl. I just bought the ball and have 28 games on it I am not a shabby bowler I carry a average of 185 but since I bought the Black Pearl my average has jumped to a 204 and just missed my first 700 by 19 pins I had the ball drilled in the label leverage format cause I told my ball driller that I wanted to be able to control the hook of this ball. I am 100% satisfied with this ball and plan on staying with the Legends line of balls.


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Re: Legends Black Pearl
« Reply #18 on: February 06, 2008, 12:22:32 PM »
Bought this ball in late October '07 and have bowled well with it, especially on heavier patterns. It's strong and unwavering when it turns to the pocket and the carry is excellent.  For me, the key is knowing when to put it away, as when the lanes start to transition, the great shots you've been making turn into 4-9s or swisher 7-10s. If I start with this ball, it's rare that I'll still be using it by the 3rd game.  Very good ball on tougher sport/tounament patterns as the carry on light hits is superb.


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Re: Legends Black Pearl
« Reply #19 on: June 08, 2008, 07:40:36 AM »
Just picked this ball up, drilled 4 1/2 x 4. pin slightly above ring finger. I spoke with Galen from Legends and he suggested the pin above ring, due to how this  ball flares.  Through it a few time in league last weak, it gives me decent length, with a sharp snappy / arc turn to the pocket.  The ball is very consistent, no over / under and pin carry is great.  Compared to the Terminator, this ball goes down a little longer, with a stronger move to the pocket.

John D Davis

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Re: Legends Black Pearl
« Reply #20 on: August 21, 2008, 05:11:11 AM »
I am a typical Tweener<leaning towards a Cranker with med ball speed(15-16mph). My PAP is 3 1/2 over and 5/8 up. My Black Pearl is drilled with the pin above the Ring finger and the CG is swung out to the right a couple inches. It has a weight hole around the midline for static reasons. Not sure of the actual statics weight of the ball right now...Here goes with the review:

 The is one hooooooking mother trucker! I have a pretty lengthy type layout and my BP hooks 3-5 boards more than my other most hooking ball(Conquerer), and it doesn't it 2-3 ft sooner as well. I would not recommend this ball to a slower ball speed unless really laid out properly and along with the right surface changing. I am not sure if I have ever had a ball to hook as much as this one. In the OOB state, it even felt a little gritty feeling unlike any other ball I have felt of. I reckon thats due to the heavy loaded particles. The hit of this ball is amazing to me and thats due to the fact of being early on top of all that hook. Most of the time when you get a early hook such as this, you tend to find alot of burnup and hang alot of tens. So far this ball has surprised me as far as carry.

 I hit mine with the Brown scuff pad that comes with the surface adjusting system, and now I am sitting on a ball waiting on some long patterns. I may not use this thing but 3-4 times a year but when I get to, I am going to feel confident when I attack some kind of swamp! I have a feeling this ball will benefit higher ball speeds better than any ball I have ever seen! I don't have many games on mine yet for I have not found enough oil, but I can promise you, if you still can find one"BUY IT" for you wont be disappointed. Simply a beautiful rolling ball! John


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Re: Legends Black Pearl
« Reply #21 on: April 19, 2009, 09:46:15 AM »
I did I did it  I was a 181 bowler. Got this ball i jump 10 pin in a year. I'm one of them guy every year put a least three or four big game every year 289, 265 you know that guy every house have one, but never got a 700 set that was me think to this ball, on a pba shoot in a tournament I shoot the lights out.  Rolled 721 got the monkey off my back this ball read the lanes very well.


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Re: Legends Black Pearl
« Reply #22 on: October 30, 2009, 03:31:14 AM »

15# 3" pin, 3.5 oz. TW.
5 x 4.5" pin under drilling. PAP: 5 1/4 over 3/8" up
16 mph Tweener

I've had this ball since it first came out and thought I'd throw an update out there as to how its holding up. First off it hasnt left my bag and is the first ball out on any given night. The BP for me is comparible to a Hyroad on crack because its a stronger overall ball and the way I have it drilled it has never failed to give me a dead on indication as to what change, if any, I need to make in equipment selection on the lanes. The cover has a couple battle scars on her from a couple different wars but they arent on the track and I've noticed zero dying out of the cover over time. This ball has been tough as nails since day one, best light hit carrying piece I ever owned, Got to get another one on order before they stop making them.

Dustin M.
Lancaster, OH

"The official test dummy of the Bowling on Budweiser progressive strike experiment"


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Re: Legends Black Pearl
« Reply #23 on: February 16, 2010, 03:55:38 PM »
After reading the specs on this ball, reading the reviews, I purchased the the Black Pearl Reactive. This ball on natural wood lanes hits like a marshmallow. The ball reacts well enough but when the oil carries down, you better be spot on with your accuracy. Even if I miss by a board out, and I play around ten as I am a lefty the ball pushes too far and while it does recover to get to the 1-2, it does not hit well. Even on single pin spares, the lack of power is easily seen just with how it takes it off the deck. The best thing this ball does is carry the lighter hits. It does keep the pins down so the horizontal action the pins react with makes the sloppy hit it's best chance to score. Maybe a different story if it's used on synthetics, but on wood...not a great ball. I will say this though, the coverstock is very tough. After 15 games, it has only a couple of minor scratches here and there in the track. Looking for a ball that will last? This one probably will.


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Re: Legends Black Pearl
« Reply #24 on: May 02, 2010, 10:08:54 PM »
got this one pin next to ring finger.great med oil houseshot ball.this is one of the hardest hitting legends l/m ball ever.thats why they sell good.if you throw one you know whats up with that statement.enough one you wont be disappointed.smooth and relaible as with all legends balls
you haven"t really been beaten you just been tracked


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Re: Legends Black Pearl
« Reply #25 on: January 17, 2011, 08:59:33 AM »




Type (THS, Sport Pattern etc):



Likes:Ball will not do anything radical or unexpected. Put it online and that is what it will do once you find the correct board(s) for a particular shot the lane asks for.

Dislikes: Hitting power is lacking. While this ball has a very hard surface as commented on by my driller...hardest ball he has ever does not hit with a lot of intention. Pins seem to react more slowly, quite  few lazy corners as a result.






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Re: Legends Black Pearl
« Reply #26 on: March 15, 2011, 05:04:43 PM »

Length: medium (white#2



Type (THS, Sport Pattern etc): ths



Likes:lots of hook

Dislikes: lots of hook

Ok, let me explain, picked up a used pearl off e-bay. It was drilled for a lefty. After plugging and re-drilling for a righty (me), I tried to resurface the ball. Wow, this ball is hard. Ok, It's drilled 4.5X4.5. I took it to 1500 + lots of polish. The hook is very smooth and carry excellent, (when you can hit pocket). I love this ball but I want a flood.

It starts its move way early for this pattern, the more I moved left, the harder the hook. But the breakpoint was too early. I throw 15-16mph and couldn't over throw the breakpoint.I am going to take it to 2000 + polish and save it for OIL. Great ball, wish I bought one sooner.




I am Batman
"Where does he get all of these wonderful balls?"