Style-power stroker
Weight- 15 pounds
Box finish- polished
Lay out
Mani house- Lake Bowl Folsom Ca
Lane Type- 1/2 synthetic, 1/2 wood
Oil Pattern- reverse block about 35 feet(very similar to the viper pattern)
Other shots Heavy oil
Medium oil
Light oil
Reverse Bock pattern: this ball did well on this condition. the line i was playing was between the 2nd and 3rd arrow. this line worked well for about the first 2 games. as the heads dried up it made it very difficult for the ball to get far enough right. so i switched lines. i played around the 1st arrow trying to find a good shot. it gets the job done on this pattern
Heavy oil: this ball isnt built for heavy oil. while playing on these conditions you need to play a down and in shot. if the ball gets to far right it will not come back.
Medium oil: these conditions were ideal for the Mirage. i was able to sing the ball out from the 15 to the 8 and it would come back perfect. didnt need to do much adjusting on this condition.
Light oil: the Mirage is built for medium/heavy conditions so it did alright on light oil conditions. i need to move alittle deeper in. still the mirage gave me a smooth control arce on these conditions.
Dry: when i comes to dry this is not the ball u want. i got pushed to the end of my comfort zone(around the 4th arrow) it got way to snappy on the back ends and if u got it too far to the right it wouldnt come back and you would leave a wash out.
Hook Potential: i would give this ball a 7 out 10 on hook potential
Control: im giving it a 9 out of 10. this is a very nice acring ball. it gives you good length and control
Hitting power: as with all Lanemaster it hits extremly hard 10 out 10
Over all i would say this is a great ball for medium to medium/heavy conditions. this is my bench mark ball because of the smooth arce. it gives you a good read of what the lanes want. Crankers would most likely do good on light/dry conditions with this ball because of their speed. this ball HATES FLOODS
i give this ball a 9 out 10