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Author Topic: Sure Strike  (Read 11535 times)


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Sure Strike
« on: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM »
Ball NPS Score: Not Available
Coverstock: Reactive Pearl
Ball Color: Blue Pearl All colors do vary somewhat from the picture shown.
Finish: Factory Polish
Flare Potential: 5" (Medium)
RG Average: 2.585 (Medium) on a scale of 2.43-2.8 Very low-High Break Point
RG Differential: 0.040 (Medium) on a scale of .000-.080 Low-High Flare
Recommended Lane Conditions: Medium Oil
Description: The Sure Strike. The first release in our new mid-priced Performance Plus Series. Designed to deliver all the performancen tha Lane Masters is known for at an exceptional performance to value ratio.



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Re: Sure Strike
« Reply #1 on: November 01, 2007, 07:46:13 AM »
my first impression of this ball is wow backend reaction in the same look as the t road pearl but with less length if you want a ball to cover boards on mediun lane conditions look no further but remember its length in my view is earlier in box condition than lane masters predict hey but thats no bad thing lanemasters are becoming my favorite ball company


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Re: Sure Strike
« Reply #2 on: November 09, 2007, 04:06:14 AM »
this is my first review also my first lane master ball 1st of all i average in the high 220s several 800s and several 300s also a state title and i have to agree with the other review this ball does have some backend. On med oil it does want to hook at midlane but the ball hits very well i would compare it to my hammer anger just got the ball and shot 660 with 4 opens out of box finish very good ball for the price

Action Man

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Re: Sure Strike
« Reply #3 on: November 20, 2007, 07:38:30 PM »
First I would like to say I have purchased only the expensive Lane Masters and Legends balls until this one came out and I got it at my pro shop for $159.00.

Because the price was fifty dollars less, I was sceptical on how it would perform.  Wow, was I wrong.  This ball is amazing.  I played on the house shot the first night and a sport shot the second nite.  I shot big numbers 756 & 771 and I cannot believe the area this ball gave me.

I had read in the Bowlers Journal that the ball had been tested and was nominated for the ball of the year because it could play on a variety of shots, and guess what, they were right.

This may be the best ball I have ever owned.  I have now thrown three 279's and on eight hundred, all in two weeks.  

If you want to get excited about bowling and have some real fun because you have so much area to score from, get a SURE STRIKE!  One thing is for sure, the got the name right.  Bottom line: this ball is amazing and like all the balls I have gotten from lane masters, that still roll like the day I bought them, it will probably last forever....
It is amazing how some people never really gain knowledge of our sport.  They will never be winners or champions because they think they know every thing. If you know everything then you no longer have a willingness to learn and improve your game.


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Re: Sure Strike
« Reply #4 on: January 16, 2008, 10:44:43 AM »
It’s a shame that my first review has to come from disappointment rather than elation.  I’ve been the tortured owner of Lane Master’s Sure Strike for some 7 weeks now and no matter what I do, I just can’t make friends with that ball, or the manufacturer.

The saga started with me throwing one my ball driller did up for himself.  He let me throw his a few times.   I was impressed with how smooth it was.  I was comparing it to my current benchmark ball and found I didn’t have to move on the lanes at all, but it gave me a completely different look – much longer and more angular but still smooth.  I had him order one for me.  

I understand color variation.  But the one I received wasn’t just a variant; it was a completely different color of blue.  The one I threw was a very light blue.  It was so light, you had to really stare at it to see that it was pearl.   There was no doubt mine was pearl.  The pearl really stands out against the almost midnight blue background.  My medication might be wearing off, but I’ll swear on a stack of bibles that the big color (manufacturing) difference is part of what’s making such a big difference in reaction.  LM’s site proclaims, “Custom made bowling balls simply means that there is a human being in charge of quality control at each station of the manufacturing of our bowling balls. Assembly line manufacturing of bowling balls quality control depends on a mechanical operation for its quality control. We prefer the human touch.”  They need a machine.

The drilling is nothing exotic – 4” pin to pap stacked.  I knew I was in trouble the first time I threw it.  The ball just jumped off the dry, took a look at the pocket and decided to keep going left to hit the 2-4 slot.  Big move left.  Now I’m in Black Widow country.  Big mistake.  Ball skidded through the oil and kept skating.  Never even wanted to move.  I kept making smaller adjustments until I figured out there was nothing was going to be able to do.

It’s been pretty much like this ever since. Over/under.  Over/under.  About the only time I can keep it right of the headpin is when I leave a washout.  So far, the surface adjustments have included 500 + polish, 1000 + polish, 1000 no polish, 2000 no polish, and 2000 + polish.  It’s waiting for another surface change at the pro shop.  It’s also had a weight hole added to try to smooth it out some.  So far, the most usable reaction I found was at the 500 + polish.  I sent an email to Lane Masters looking for some advice.  So far, I’ve been ignored.  I think they need a machine to respond to emails, too.

The only way I found to use this ball is to come up the back of it for 3 games and my wrist is starting to feel it.  It has improved my spare shooting since I’m throwing at so many more of them. Especially 2-8 and 6-10 combinations.  The carry is phenomenal.  I’ve never seen 8 pins clear the deck more quickly and still leave something for my spare ball!  I’m more than getting my moneys worth out of league these days, too.  I get to throw two balls a frame while everyone else is throwing their money away getting strikes.

In all fairness, I’ve seen others in my travel league throw the lighter colored version successfully.  For them, it’s as smooth and controllable as I was hoping for.  For me, this is a condition specific ball, even though I can’t for the life of me think of a condition I could use it on.  I’ve nicknamed the ball “Hail, Mary” since that seems to be what I’m muttering with each shot.

This is the last week for this ball.  A six pin reduction in average is enough.


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Re: Sure Strike
« Reply #5 on: March 02, 2008, 07:49:21 PM »
First LM Ball.
I bought this ball under the impression that would be impressive on medium oil.

I have to say i was very disappointed.


Style: 17 mph +/- depends on the condition, and around 450 rpm

At first i had serious problems with this ball, if revved up really fast but kinda rolled out at breakpoint. It was like it revved up so fast that when it hit the dry it tried to flare to much too fast and it was a hook/weak set reaction. First game i left 3 pocket 7-10's...the weak kind. For my rpm I’ve almost never left weak pocket 7-10's. I then put a balance hole -3/4 back. To try to get it to read the backend better. No more 7-10's just a whole bunch of other stuff. Now the ball is squirty yet still hits really weak. Tried it on oil terrible skids for ever, dry it rolls out instantly. Changed the surface from 4000 to 2000 to 1500+polish to 800 and no good reaction on any type of condition. This will sit in my bag for a while!

very disappointed in my first Lane Masters Ball
"Is that fire-ballin' Righty"

Hammer - Cherry vibe "thanks al"
Hammer - No Mercy
Hammer - Black Widow Bite
Ebonite - Infinite One
Storm - Shift
Storm - SpitFire
Lane Masters - Sure Strike
Elite - Alien (2)
Elite - R47
Elite - Eclipse
Rotogrip - Neptune
Brunswick - Monster Slayr



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Re: Sure Strike
« Reply #6 on: March 03, 2008, 10:01:49 PM »
nearly everything you said I experienced also and no matter what I do I can pick up anything else and score.This is probably one of the worst balls I've ever had and will NEVER have another Lanemasters ball.


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Re: Sure Strike
« Reply #7 on: March 04, 2008, 02:28:06 PM »
The last two reviews is what makes the world go 'round.  The Sure Strike is not a power ball for crankers and needs medium conditions with good back ends.  It has good length, but when it turns to the pocket, it rarely leaves anything standing especially with light mixer shots or what I call rip-flush hits which can often leave 7-10s. Last night used mine on a pair on which I've struggled with carry and had 23 strikes in 3 games.  Left 4 ten-pins, a stone 8 & 9 (typical for me). If not for the two 10 ringers, my 259 was a 300.  I don't use this ball often, but when I find the condition, it's a monster.  I'm not a power player and throw at 15mph and am best described as a tweener.  On the downside, this ball does tend to sometimes overreact to the dry, particularly if I let up on my already slower speed.  When that happens repeatedly,I ususally go to a particle solid ball to slow the reaction on medium house conditions.  For me, that's The Sting.  


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Re: Sure Strike
« Reply #8 on: March 15, 2008, 11:11:23 AM »
this is one of my favorite balls i own 6. this ball is perfect for my shot. i bowled my personal best with this ball a 268. 9 straigt strikes. some of them i didnt deserve. the first 5 shots with this ball were strikes when i got it. my first game with this ball was a 229. this ball doesnt work well if the lane has alot of carry down. people need to understand that this ball was not made for heavy oil conditions. Hello! its a medium ball. i have all of my bowling balls drilled exactly the and this is definitly the best ball for the medium oiled lanes and i did get a chance to throw it down on a cheetah oil condition and this ball was perfect for it. like i said if you get a drenched lane you need to go with the sting, or anyother solid particle ball. i dont understnand the peolple that say i will never buy another lanemaster ball. just because they didnt have a good expirence with the sure strike a MID-PPRICED BALL. its not even comparable to the world class or the sting. i would difinitly buy this ball again and i plan on it very soon for my light oil ball. i am going to polish it up a ton. oh and this is a medium hook and a strong backend ball for medium oil conditions. i throw all my bowling balls at around 15.5 and 16.5 mph!!! so it is a good ball
FireCrotch 268


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Re: Sure Strike
« Reply #9 on: May 16, 2008, 05:42:24 AM »


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Re: Sure Strike
« Reply #10 on: June 22, 2008, 02:50:11 AM »
Time for my review of the Sure Strike.


First set out, Forum Bowl in Grand Prairie, 257-277-245=779. Ball rolls awesome and even and absolutely no over/under with this ball. Got ball from a friend for free, and won $160 first time with it.

Second set out, Forum Bowl in Grand Prairie, 237-278-279=794. Same as two weeks ago, ball is smooth and controllable with no over under. Saw tonite though ball is very sensitive to dry lanes in its current state.

Overall ball is awesome and just what i am looking for. Cant wait until i start building my arsenal with Legends/Lanemasters.
"Watch out, we are going to ''MO'' you over!!"

John D Davis

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Re: Sure Strike
« Reply #11 on: August 12, 2008, 07:20:52 AM »
Ok guys after having these LM balls for about 5-6 months now I am finally starting to do some reviews... My Sure Strike has the pin located under the fingers and slightly kicked off a hair without a weight hole. My Center is probably an inch and half from my thumbhole. The Surface remains as it came OOB. I have coated it with Beans Sauce a time or two but not changes the surface.

  On to my review. This ball is incredible! One of the best pieces I have ever hand my hand in. I know you guys hear that with about every review said but Im not going out on a limb here by saying this. For Oil... YES this ball is TERRIBLE! But for ANYTHING other than oil its AMAZING! This ball wasnt designed for long conditions so its not suppose to like oil. Often in Tournament play I will have to start with a different kind of ball to keep the over/under down but after a few games go on and some carry down happens this ball is money. The only reason why one couldnt use this on a fresh tournament pattern is because of the being jerking off the dry so much. Its wild because I may struggle to stay even in a tournament for the first two games and then switch to this thing and be a hundred over just after 2-3 more games! Big Crankers often see this for when they first start bowling staying in the pocket is more important that just striking but when the lanes open up and you still feel this way, you will never suceed... When the lanes open up for a bowler you have to maximize on that and find a look that no other bowlers have! Thats what this ball does.

  When drilling these balls take my word and put the pin under the fingers or even to the right or left. I have had one I got in a trade from a BR member a while back with the pin over the bridge and it was garbage. A very uncontrollable hook! If someone does have the pin up dont feel like you cant mess with the surface because you probably need to. My Sure Strike I have now is jerky off the dry dont get me wrong but it is much smoother than the one that was pin up. On a typical house condition, this pin down drilling is awsome, but a pin up drilling can even go crazy bad on some of the easiest conditions! I hope this helps, and thanks for reading. John Davis


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Re: Sure Strike
« Reply #12 on: September 21, 2008, 03:57:09 AM »
Lane masters make the best bowling balls.I started my first game bowling a four game format with bad luck carry.Being tired of the wet/dry situation i decided to throw the SURE STRIKE the second game with better results.Ball drilled pin top of ring finger cg slightly kicked out.No side weight.Third game bowled 300 playing deep inside.Ended up throwing 19 stikes in a row.Predictability is the best way to describe the SURE STRIKE .Your confidence grows each game because you know how to adjust with predictable results.Biggest backend compared to my many bowling balls i own.I now own 8 SURE STRIKES.4 undrilled saved for the future.

Skip Wilson

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Re: Sure Strike
« Reply #13 on: September 23, 2008, 12:59:17 PM »
First of all, thank you Galen for sending me a Sure Strike to try. Have drilled a number of these for my customers with wonderful success.  Thought it was time to try one.  Wish I hadn't waited so long to drill this baby up!  Tremendous compliment to the Black Pearl.  Glides down the lane and has a strong backend, not flippy just STRONG.  I can really see this ball working for a variety of player.  Diff is high enough to move in if you have too but you still have the ability to play straight up with the ball if you choose.  Just ANOTHER great ball from Lane Masters.  And the price is amazing!