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Author Topic: Terminator  (Read 17042 times)


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« on: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM »
Ball NPS Score: 100.00
Coverstock: Evolution P2
Ball Color: Black/Blue Ice All colors do vary somewhat from the picture shown.
Finish: Polished
Flare Potential: 5.5" (Low)
RG Average: 2.58 (Medium-High) on a scale of 2.43-2.8 Very low-High Break Point
RG Differential: 0.040 (Low) on a scale of .000-.080 Low-High Flare
Recommended Lane Conditions: Medium-Heavy Oil
Description: Don''t be fooled by the Terminator''s appearance. It has a unique ability of handling heavier volumes of oil that are uncharacteristic of its poilshed finish. Amazing! ...all that needs to be said of this balls ability to start clean, rev up fast and charge the pins with a powerful turn to the pocket. A must have ball for the player who desires more than whats on the surface.


Hand of God

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Re: Terminator
« Reply #1 on: August 18, 2006, 03:57:19 AM »
15.2 ounces  -  3 1/2 pin  -  3 top weight
Drilled stacked leverage
17mph - high track and tilt - lots of revs

Lane condition 38 foot pattern buffed to 42 feet, heavy units, wide pattern.

Ball was drilled up by Gip Linteene, an absolute master driller @ Norco Brunswick bowl, Ca.  Was my first ball drilled without grips.  He put the most incredible pitches in my fingers, finally correcting my odd hand position.  Had no idea anyone could go to this level of perfection.

Anyways, I stood around 20 playing 11 to 5.  Ball got easy length, and as it set up, it held and then arc'd hard to the hole, absolutly smashing the rack.
Rolled 268 247 w/OOB condition.  Ball is not exactly polished like you think OOB, its most likely a rough buff type finish with maybe a 1000 grit sand, or close to it.

When I got it a little wide, the ball read slighly earlier, but NEVER over reacted, it just walked right to the hole, sending messengers galore.  On the tugged shots it snapped late, crushing light or high hits.  I carried like never before.  I swear to the bowling gods, this ball is utterly the shizznit.  It can handle long oil.  Not sure about the flood, but I am willing to bet its got potential.

Overall this is a great Medium/heavy oil ball, and its great for fresh conditions.  It ignored the carry down, rolling hard with a sweet hard arc type hook.  Best ball I have ever owned by far.

10 out of 10


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Re: Terminator
« Reply #2 on: September 26, 2006, 03:17:34 PM »
2 inch pin
Pin is beside ring finger 1/2 inch from the finger hole.
CG is below and slightly kick out about 15 degrees.
Condition: OOB factory polished

Ball is super clean through then front and then immediately begins to read the mid-lane. It does not have the mid-lane lope like the other Lane Masters balls. Retains all it's energy through the break point with a controlled big backend move. No over under even when the carry down comes. The Hit and carry is vintage L/L and the pin action is insane. If you roll Lane Masters this is a "must" have in the bag. It is what we have been wating for.

BuddiesProShopcom - Bill

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Re: Terminator
« Reply #3 on: October 26, 2006, 04:25:31 PM »
I drilled this ball up with the pin 4 inches from my PAP and the CG 3 3/4 inches from my PAP.  No weight hole was needed.

I first tested the Terminator on our higher volume house shot, and was not happy with the box finish on the ball.  I spoke to Johnie at Lane Master and he said with our oil I should take the shine off the ball and what a difference that made.  I felt that out of the box the ball was best suite for Medium to a little Heavier oil, but once I took the shine off the ball it was able to handle our heavier oil volume of our house pattern.

With the layout that I used, this ball was strong arcing move back to the pocket.  With the box finish the ball was super clean through the fronts and started to pick up a roll around 35 feet.  When I took the shine off the ball with a Grey Scotch Brite, the ball picked up a feet earlier and made a more even overall move to the pocket.

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Re: Terminator
« Reply #4 on: December 07, 2006, 02:19:28 AM »
I have mine drilled stack leverage, pin slightly to the right and above ringer finger, with no balance hole.  This ball moves nicely through the heads with a strong snap to the pocket.  It snaps harder than the Yeah Baby with equal or greater carry.  The key is to move before it's too late.  This ball is great for heavy to medium conditions, you just need to know when to move.  It's my first and only ball out of the bag.  Used it three times in league play, shot 700+ each time.  This is a must, for every type of bowler!


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Re: Terminator
« Reply #5 on: December 19, 2006, 12:56:54 AM »
15 pounds, 4 inch pin. Layed out with a 3.5 x 4 drill, pin up high, CG on midline 1 inch right of grip center. Weight hole on PAP, 5/8 oz. pos. side wt. Have not changed the factory finish on the cover.

Have had this ball about a month now. This ball needs plenty of oil through the midlane to hold it back and keep on line. If on a lighter pattern or the mids start to go, put it away.

Now, the good news. This is the most powerful ball I have ever thrown. Even though it is a particle, the shape is a strong arc, almost flippy. Very versatile as far as working with different releases and adjusting through transitions. I have played as far right as 7 and as deep as 22. I have not had to move deeper yet, although I know I could. Normally with a particle, there is a limit as to how deep one can play before loosing power at the pins. I don't see a limit with this ball.

In short, this ball is fun to throw. I am the first bowler around this area to use a LM ball, but not the last. Within a week of me getting this ball, 2 more Terminators were drilled up and there are others considering them. I will not hesitate getting another LM ball when I need to replace or add something to my arsonal.


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Re: Terminator
« Reply #6 on: December 20, 2006, 11:43:34 PM »
Mine started as 15.3 with 3 1/2 top weight. Drilled 4 1/2 x 3 3/8 with the weight hole on the PAP. Deffinately need oil for this one. I've had the ball since late September and thrown it on wood but mostly synthetic. I recently shot 765 at house that just got new lanes and  Keagle machine. The pattern was heavy in the middle run 38' buffed to 42'. I played around 13 out to 9-10 at the breakpoint which mine is about 45' and it would absolutely just put everything in the pit. You need to put this one away when the heads start to go. I can't say enough about Lanemasters/Legends. In my opinion they've got the best made highest quality product out.  If you ever threw the "original" Black Hammer and remember how the pins stayed low and carried so well, then this is the equipment for you.
biggie 1961

Skip Wilson

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Re: Terminator
« Reply #7 on: December 22, 2006, 02:54:49 PM »
Great ball for opening up the lane.  Have drilled six of these for customers all with various drill patterns and they all love the reaction of this ball.    Definitely need oil for this bad boy!  I haven’t thrown it a lot due to the lack of oil in the houses I bowl at but the few times I was able to throw it I had the whole lane to play with.  Mine is drilled 4 x 4 with small hole drilled 1 inch below PAP on the VAL.  If you’re looking for a heavy oil ball this one is worth trying.  Just another great ball from Lane Masters!


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Re: Terminator
« Reply #8 on: December 27, 2006, 10:02:21 PM »
My Stats
Speed 16-18 MPH
Power Stroker

Ball Stats
Ball Weight (Pre-drill): 16.0
Top weight (Pre-drill): 3oz
Ball Drilled: 4" X 3 1/2"
Pin 4 1/2"
Small balance hole drilled

I bought the Terminator for one reason and one reason only...heavy oil.  I have a hole in my arsenal for heavy oil.  I have the Yeah Baby(4 X 3 drilling), but I would like to keep it polished for medium oil conditions.  On a THS I stand on the 20 and throw to 10 with a nice flip at the end.  On a heavy oil shot, I am lucky if standing on 10 and throwing to 10 gets me in to the pocket with the polished Yeah Baby.

I contacted Galen at Lanemasters and asked for his recommendation based on my style.  He replied that the Terminator was my answer.  When I had it drilled, he had suggested a 4 X 4, but the pin placement caused my driller to suggest a 4 X 3 1/2.

Once I had the Terminator punched up, I had to find some oil to throw it in.  I went to Strike Zone here in Vegas because the usually lay down a decent shot before leagues arrive.  With the Terminator OOB, it was close in reaction with the Yeah Baby which is polished to around 1200 grit. The midlane move by the Terminator gave it a nice arcing motion to the pocket.  I could tell that this probably wasn't the oil I was looking for and that the ball needed to have the polish knocked off of it for when I did find it(Galen's suggestion as well).  I went back to Strike Zone after a couple of bouts with the burgundy Scotchbrite pad.  What a difference!  I had hit the Yeah Baby with the pad too, just to keep up the comparison.  The Terminator was making a strong mid-lane move that the Yeah Baby wasn't.  I had found the oil that I was looking for, and the ball to combat it.  On a THS, this ball was way too strong even polished.  It was burning out way too soon.

Based off of the few games I have thrown with it, I would have to say that it is a very nice heavy oil ball.  The move to the pocket was predictable and gave me area in the oil that the Yeah Baby didn't.

I also have to say that Lanemasters/Legends goes out of their way with the ball packaging.  They give away cleaner, polish, and a DVD with the ball.  Classy.


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Re: Terminator
« Reply #9 on: January 10, 2007, 07:39:58 AM »
3 3/4" PIN. Pin drilled out at ring finger.
CG northeast of thumb about 1 1/2 " away.
XH 1" below PAP.

This ball with this layout is really strong off the breakpoint, but not flippy. The pin punishing power of this ball is unbelievable. The ball reads early so find some head oil and let it go. This ball works well for me on a variety of oil volumes. A light scuff will get this ball going sooner. The cover tunes easily so do not be afraid to make an adjustment. As of this review, this ball has the most overall hook potential in the L/LM line.
Robert Mockenhaupt


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Re: Terminator
« Reply #10 on: February 15, 2007, 01:43:35 AM »
My stats - check my profile
Ball - 15lbs, 3 7/8 pin-out
Layout - 5 x 4, pin over ring, small balance hole on PAP
Coverstock - Box finish

House 1 - Brunswick synthetics(~12 years old), pattern length is ~39 feet, heavy inside 15, outside 6 is basically o.b.(I bowl on a fresh shot here)
I usually play from 15 to 8 or so.

House 2 - Brunswick synthetics(~25 years old), pattern length is ~39 feet, heavier inside 15, varies from spotty to toasted out to 5.(I bowl 2nd shift here) I play anywhere from 15 on in @ the arrows, breakpoint is usually between 8 and 12, depending on what's left in the track.

Even with a length-type drill(for me, at least), this ball needs oil, in the heads and preferably in the mids as well. With enough oil, it gets good length, with a very strong arc to the pins. The pin action is tremendous, sending scouts all over the deck, and the carry is outstanding.
When I use this one at the first house, I can usually stay with it all night. At the second house, I usually can't use it at all.

I've put around 100 games on it so far, and it still hooks and hits like new, and there's very little tracking.



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Re: Terminator
« Reply #11 on: October 28, 2007, 08:49:15 PM »
I'm a Stroker with medium to high speed and med/high revs, average 205-210 at several different leagues. I just bought the Terminator about 2 weeks ago and had it drilled Stacked Leverage (pin about 1/2" right of ring finger, CG directly below, medium hole in between, forming a triangle). Surface left OOB.

This is more ball than I've ever had, but I'm a big LM/Legends fan. (I already have  a New Standard, Yeah Baby, and a Straight Flush, and I've got a Black Pearl on the way.) So, the first couple of times I threw this, I had a hard time. I usually shoot pretty much down and in.

I practiced with it a few games and discovered it worked well for me going about the 12 at the arrows to about 5 at the break--HOLY MOLEY! First set on medium oily with moderate carry down: 191, 234, followed by my first-ever 300 game! Needless to say, I LOVE this bad boy! The secret for me was to let the ball do the work.

I have found that this ball works better for me with a bit of carry down than on a fresh shot, and when the lanes start drying out, I don't bother moving--I switch to my Yeah Baby or MoRich Ravage VI at that point.

Unbelievable arc and roll, especially for such a polished ball on medium to oily lanes, and hits like a Mack Truck hauling three trailers!


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Re: Terminator
« Reply #12 on: November 24, 2007, 02:32:30 PM »
Running out of things to say about the Lanemasters/Legends line.  Picked this baby up used.  I've thrown it both polished and prepped with a gray scotchbright.  It fits much better in my arsenal polished.  Goes fairly long and turns in with all my LM/L balls there is no stopping it once it turns the corner and man does it hit hard.

Here's a vid with it prepped with the scotchbright:

Another great Lanemasters ball!

Mike Austin

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Re: Terminator
« Reply #13 on: December 20, 2007, 02:21:16 AM »
I have a World Class Particle and really like that ball on fresh oil that is fairly heavy.  When the lanes transition, I can't get the World Class to turn the corner very well and carry.  It just favors less lane coverage for maximum carry.

So with Anne Marie Duggan's recommendation, we drilled this ball.  I used a similar layout as the WCP, aproximately 4 X 4, or the pin is 4 inches from my PAP with the mass bias in about an 80 degree position.  The pin is above the fingers, above my ring finger, slightly right of it.

I didn't get many of the details of this ball, I just wanted to bowl with it.  My take is it has less particle load in the cover material.  I have used it for two weeks now, with the box surface.

It is awesome!!  It only has a little more length than the WCP, which surprised me considering how shiny this ball is.  The break point is noticeably more than the WCP.  About 5 boards total hook less, not much.  It still has that heavy Lane Masters roll to it, but a sharper hook at the spot.

The carry power is tremendous.  I have left a couple stone 7 pins, a 7-9, and a 4-7-9, the ball just does not deflect.  Back to back solid 8 pins the first game in league, just had me shaking my head.

I think this ball could handle much more oil with a little surface adjustment.  With the box finish, it will handle most any medium to some oil conditions.  The straight players will like this ball because of the better back end movement.  The high speed guys will like this ball because it revs up quick, doesn't go too long.  Slower speed players are going to want some fresh oil in the front part of the lane, but this ball should still have plenty left.

After these two weeks of league and a number of practice games, all on wood lanes, this ball shows almost no wear at all.  You can't tell I have even thrown the ball, these Lane Master shells are super durable!!!

Special thanks to Anne Marie Duggan for letting me use her shop to drill this ball!!!

Hope this helps ya....


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Re: Terminator
« Reply #14 on: February 16, 2008, 11:14:35 AM »
I have 2 Terminators 1st one is label leverage & polished for a THS. Great ball.  carries light shot with ease I bought this off a friend. He said it was a boat anchor. Shot 299, 300 & 800 with it. ave is 235 with this ball. 2nd one is laid out  pin over ring finger CG kicked out to right  for sport shot box finish. Fred Borden suggested this lay out for me. This lay out holds a nice line to the pocket very little over/ under, carry is very good. I own more bowling balls than I would like to admit. But the best are Legends/ LM. I have  6 of theirs  My spec's are RH 16.5 mph med to high revs league ave's  221,220& (209 Sport shot) This is my 1st review hope it helps. If you what to really improve your game it not just the ball try one of Fred Borden clinics. It works.