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Author Topic: Terminator Rebellion  (Read 12115 times)


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Terminator Rebellion
« on: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM »
Ball NPS Score: 100.00
Coverstock: Evolution Solid
Ball Color: Blue/Gray All colors do vary somewhat from the picture shown.
Finish: 800 Matte
Flare Potential: 5" (Low)
RG Average: 2.562 (Medium) on a scale of 2.43-2.8 Very low-High Break Point
RG Differential: 0.040 (Medium) on a scale of .000-.080 Low-High Flare
Recommended Lane Conditions: Medium-Heavy Oil
A few tiny pit holes in the cover stock of the ball are normal
Description: A solid reactive ball with more length and back end snap than the original.



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Re: Terminator Rebellion
« Reply #1 on: March 19, 2008, 03:24:14 AM »
Picked this up today and had it drilled stacked leverage. So far, I've rolled 5 games with it: four on a fresh THS and one on a second flight, somewhat burned THS (synthetic lanes both times, but the 5th game at a different house).

I was really impressed by its roll, control, and predictability. This ball goes longer than the particle Terminator, with about the same (strong) backend, and the signature LM powerful hit.

This ball definitely makes a good baseline ball. Throw it in warm-ups, and you'll find a line where it'll work, and it will help you to decide whether to start with a stronger ball. I would say the ONLY area where it doesn't compare favorably with the original Terminator is that it doesn't seem to handle carry down quite as well. IMO, that's because the other one starts to roll so much earlier; it just ignores carrydown, whereas this ball makes its move later, and if that move starts in the carry down, it doesn't finish quite as strongly. Don't get me wrong: it still finishes and handles carrydown quite well--just not to the exceptional degree that its older brother does. But this version is more versatile than its big bro, so that evens the playing field as far as I'm concerned.

Another winner from the gang at Legends/Lane Masters!
"Love God, laugh more, spend more time with the ones you love, play with children, do good to those in need, and eat more ice cream. There is more to life than bowling." Scott F. Guinn

John D Davis

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Re: Terminator Rebellion
« Reply #2 on: May 18, 2008, 07:57:27 PM »
Hi everyone, I recieved my Rebellion a few days ago that I purchased from a fellow ball reviewer named "The Bowlers Edge 2", which is a great guy to deal with! The ball had been drilled but in fabulous condition, and all I had to do was slug it and put grips in it...
   The layout used was a stacked drilling with the pin in the 2 oclock position from the ring finger. It was say an inch up and to the right of my ring finger. The CG was a couple inches left as the ball had a weight hole say straight across 4 inches or so right. My PAP is 3 3/8"right and 1 5/8" which is a very strange position vs. other players. I havnt measured to see exactly how far my pin is from my PAP but taking the coordinates it would be fairly close, within the 3 inch mark...
   The reaction I got was absolutly terrible, as the ball come at 4000 or so with polish. Not sure exactly but no lines was visable. The reaction I got was if I stayed in the oil on the house pattern was it went allmost through the back and when I got it to the dry being somewhere around the 5 board, it had an uncontrollable hook that was insane. I never really have a ball give me to much over-under because I have one of the softest hands in bowling... This being said I couldnt throw this thing and score as good as some of the other balls I had in the bag.
   I took the ball home after practicing a few games with it, and placed it on then spinner, and using a used 360 Abralon pad, I then put a coat of Beans Sauce on it. The lines was visable but had a nice tackiness from the polish. I placed the lines of course perpendicular to my track so the ball would read the lane as early as possible and maybe blend the lane better for that matter. I took it out today and played a scratch tournament, which had the Chamelon out. It played similiar to the day before but did in fact read the lane a little better, but then again not that much better. If I got it to the oil on the outside it just went for days sometimes and I could even get some balls to peal off the 5-7. I compared this ball to the Counter Strike Particle Pearl... I would say that the Counter Strike is at least 6-7 boards stronger overall than the Rebellion. If I got inside around 8-9 with the Rebellion it would hold pocket like you've never seen. The problem was I didnt have any boards at all to play with.
   If you are looking for a ball to go a little longer than balls like the Big Bang and the Terminator, then feel free to purchase this one. But if you are looking for something real agressive to play some longer patterns then you may want to go with the Terminator instead of this one!! I am going to maybe take the polish off of mine and play around with some different surfaces but as of right now, the specs will somewhat mislead you if you are not careful. The hitting power is incredible but the midlane read is just not there for me at the moment... I hope this helps anyway. I would however still rate this ball a 9-10 simply because I feel this thing will eat the shorter patterns alive. I am going to be happy with what I have here, I just have to learn when to bring it out and when to just leave it in the bag. John Davis


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Re: Terminator Rebellion
« Reply #3 on: June 30, 2008, 11:36:02 PM »
I apologize for my lack of technical knowledge I have had this ball for 3 months now and so far I love it. It is alot stronger than I thought it would be! I have a Storm Paradigm Passion and a Hammer Black Widow Bite and this ball, so far, is stronger. Hopefully the coverstock lasts as advertised.


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Re: Terminator Rebellion
« Reply #4 on: February 19, 2009, 11:11:32 AM »
i got this ball to play fot house shot.i have the terminator stats are ? pap 3 7/8 by 7/8 up lower rev higher track bowler speed can be 14 -18 per quibica.i did not know why but this ball absolutly rocks on our house shot.i average 195 i have thrown 526 first nite then 650/742/660/686 this ball carries all most everything including the can play up the 4 board at about 16 mph it carries well but in our house leaves to many ten pins.when that happens move left of center throw over 2nd arrow to about the breakpoint at about 5 and walks in and just takes over.drilling is pin over 1 inch[approx] and 1 inch up over ring finger small weight hole close to middle for legal purposess.i might have to buy another.i have 16 bowling balls from roto to hammer  mostly track but for some reason this ball works.not overly agressive but just smooth and controlled with a powerfull hit.
you haven"t really been beaten you just been tracked


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Re: Terminator Rebellion
« Reply #5 on: June 21, 2009, 02:34:11 PM »
Picked the Terminator Rebellion up from my local pro shop after seeing it sit on the rack for no less then 3 months. At the time I'd been using the original Terminator, so I figured why not give the Rebellion a try. The original Terminator was the first Legends and Lane Masters ball I'd tryed, and if I may ad, the hardest, most consistent ball I've ever thrown. I gave Legends And Lane Masters a try on a whim. I was fed up with throwing Track, and Roto-Grip, and wanted to try a smaller manufactorer. It was one of the best decisions I've made in a long time. I won't bore you with the drilling details and layout, but this ball hits like nothing else! There is little to no deflection apon entering the pocket, so I carry the house in short. I personally feel that the ball thrives in light/medium oil, rather then medium/heavy, due to the layout I selected. The confidence I have on each and every shot is unmatched to say the least.

In short, I find it hard to believe there's many manufactorers that can match a Legends and Lane Masters ball.

Pat Patterson

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Re: Terminator Rebellion
« Reply #6 on: September 20, 2009, 08:19:03 AM »
Purchased ball on 8/14/2008, had ball drilled up around end of 2008.  Ball came 15-1 lbs, 3-5/8 TW and a 3-3/8" PIN and was laid-out 35* X 3 3/8" X 35* which placed the Pin above/RT of RF, with a WH 2 1/4" past the VAL, 1" down.

The ball reacts as advertised, being longer than the Original Terminator.  I don't throw too many Solid Reactives much anymore, and this the only one I own.

Pin carry is excellent as is the case with all LM balls.  OOB this ball can cover alot of boards and is usable for me on all but drier side of medium, but with a heavy dose of polish I could make it a usable piece on the drier stuff, although not the extreme side of dry.

Excellent ball..................
Pat Patterson
Pat Patterson


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Re: Terminator Rebellion
« Reply #7 on: February 02, 2011, 08:19:29 AM »
Just drilled this ball up this past week to complete my Terminator line.  (Bought the original Terminator used off of ebay a couple of months ago and love it.   I had been struggling with my Brunswick Wild Thing which seemed to have died after about 100 games despite constant cleaning and de-oiling after use. Very disappointed with it.)
I drilled this ball to go long as both my Terminator and Term Resurrection are earlier reacting balls.   The drilling is stacked, pin about 1" above and to the right of ring finger.  
 I like the feel and roll of this ball, but I have to figure the shot out.   Its either a strike or a split, nothing in between.     It goes long and breaks big at the end, but if I let the speed drop even a little, it bites too hard and comes in high.    Only thrown about 6 games with it so the jury is still out on how I'll like it long term.   Also trying a new grip with it, an offest thumb, as I"m still trying to fine tune my grip.  It feels real comfortable, but it might be whats making my shot a bit different as it comes off my hand a little flatter. 
I'll update as I get more games on the ball. 


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Re: Terminator Rebellion
« Reply #8 on: January 15, 2012, 11:48:19 PM »
this ball is a classic !
it doesnt matter what lane condition, dry medium or flooded this ball is so versatile.
2012 and this is my favorite ball and i have tried plenty of new balls.
I wish i could find another one.