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Author Topic: The New Standard  (Read 11805 times)


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The New Standard
« on: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM »
Ball NPS Score: 100.00 has the largest selection of bowling balls
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This ball is great for heavy oil when the cover is in a dull state.

Coverstock Type Diamond Particle
Hook Potential 8 (10 Scale)
Box Finish Matte
Particle Load Light
RG 2.62
DRG .048
Ave. Flare Potential 7"
Hardness 72-74
Color Blue/Gold Swirl


Bradley Hay

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Re: The New Standard
« Reply #1 on: August 17, 2004, 07:53:55 PM »
Stats about me-
20-23 revs
10 to 50 degrees of rotation
19-21 mph

Layout- 5" pin to pap (1 o'clock)
        MB on centerline
        CG just below midline
        Weighthole 6" from center of span through CG to take out thumbweight
Ball started out with 2.75oz tw
4 1/2" pin

This is the most versatile particle pearl ball I've ever used.
Of course I use this ball on what it's intended for and that's
on the medium oily to oily with some backends.

I've used this ball in 3 different houses with 2 of them being
1st synthetic house is where I bowl league so it's an easier read
to me what the ball can do. Goes long and rolls up to the pocket
with a shatter that I havent seen much of in a pearl particle.

2nd synthetic house has more backends than the other house (at least
the night I threw it there; it's known to be a little slicker than
most houses in the D/FW area). I was able to swing it with no loss
of energy.

Wooden house has ob so no return from outside with any ball the
few days I've thrown it there. I practiced going up the boards and
playing 5th arrow (not a true reverse block because it wasn't
really dry in the middle). Swinging it there got it way down the lane
with some return but it would've if I moved right, but I was there
to practice some swing. Going down the boards is the better shot in
this house. So, doing so with The New Standard there seems to be more
energy stored at the backend.
I should know I own a Pearl Assault and a Pearl Super Power.

Those that have any questions may message me.

A member of the 20/20 Club

BuddiesProShopcom - Bill

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Re: The New Standard
« Reply #2 on: August 31, 2004, 02:12:47 AM »
Lane Masters sent us a couple of these balls to test and get our feedback. After drilling them up for myself and a couple other shop guys, we all agree that this is Lane Masters biggest hooking ball to date.

I will tell you how I tested mine. The ball was laid out with the Pin 4 1/2" from my axis and the CG 4 1/2" from my axis. I did not need a weight hole in the ball.

The first shot I tested this ball on was a 40 foot sport shot pattern with a lot of oil in the middle. The outsides were too dry for me to keep the ball from going brooklyn, so I move into 4th arrow and was able to play 5-7 boards belly. The ball would start to make its move in the midlane and continue through the pocket, with the hard hitting power of all LaneMasters bowling balls.

I also tested this ball on our 38 foot house shot, which is pretty walled up. I was able to move even deeper inside and swing the ball out to about 5 and get the ball back without a problem.

This ball features Diamond Particles, and I think that a lot of other companies will be coming of with similiar particles in the near future.

Any questions, please email me at
"The Place All Bowlers Shop"
"The Place All Bowlers Shop"


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Re: The New Standard
« Reply #3 on: December 16, 2004, 08:44:46 AM »
Can't understand why there aren't more reviews on this ball! I've had it for about one month now. I read all the previews on this ball and was impressed. When I tried to order at that time I was discouraged by the Pro Shop owner who indicated he didn't like to deal with companies that were not PBA approved.

Then I started to see the ball in action and I insisted that the ball be ordered for me.

At first I was disappointed .. all that I watched were blowing the pins away with the ball and I could not get the same ACTION. I was turned off enough that I was putting the ball away after only a few frames of league play on three different occasions. Finally, I set myself up with only the NS and I had to stay with the ball during league!

The ball is the best I've seen. I've tried Lane 1 and they are good .. I've tried Roto grip and agree they are good .. AMF is better then all of them .. NOW we get to the NEW STANDARD .. UNBELIEVABLE. Anyone who doesn't try this ball on their next purchase is MAKING A MISTAKE. I don't believe it will be BEST for those who bowl on LIGHT/DRY OIL .. but for anything else .. Don't miss it!

I have the ball drilled with the pin about half inch above and one inch to the right of the ring finger (right handed). The CG is in the center of my grip.

At this time it's the best ball in town!

Hit them light and watch them fight
      J O E - F A L C O
RIP Thongprincess/Sawbones!


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Re: The New Standard
« Reply #4 on: December 24, 2004, 11:50:15 PM »
First timer here posting in my opinion/assessment of what I consider to be a very good piece of bowling equipment.  I purchased "The New Standard" about 5-weeks ago due to a recommendation from my pro shop manager @ Nellis AFB, NV.  I would consider myself a tweener who's ball speed is consistently between 15-16 mph.  On the 4 houses I bowl in here in Vegas, I can usually play down the 10 board w/ good backend movement.  I don't throw w/ a alot of revs.  I decided to go w/the #2 drill pattern listed on the drill sheet.  This allows the bowl to go long w/a nice strong backend move.  This ball is the hardest hitting ball I've ever owned.  I currently avg. 191 but have avg'd 212+ in the last month and a half of owning this ball. I liked this ball so much, I purchased a 2nd w/ my sidepot winnings!!  I guess I finally found a ball that matched my style.  It's good having the right equipment in ur bag and excelling in this sport. After shooting a 278 gm my 2nd week, a friend said the Yeah Baby also by LaneMasters is a better ball.  Go Figure!  This ball is definitely a keeper.


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Re: The New Standard
« Reply #5 on: April 10, 2005, 03:45:24 AM »
Being a ball driller I have found this ball to be one of the most versatile to drill. In all applications I am able to drill this ball according to PIN positions and not even worry about the result. The customer asks for a certain reaction and I can give it to them. The customers keep coming in and saying how wonderful the ball is and thanking me for drilling it. What a satisfying feeling it is to drill this companies equipment.

I don't even have to sell the product now. People just walk in and say, "Where are the Legends balls?"

Folks if you don't own one of these balls please do yourself a favor and get one. You will not be disappointed.

Bowl well to all!!!

Ball Death

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Re: The New Standard
« Reply #6 on: September 08, 2005, 10:22:15 AM »
the newstandard ,ive got one with a stack layout that is a hook monster but still reads the pattern well ,got another one a month ago ,lay out is stacked under ring  
finger,ball reaction is great , smooth rolling but with hard arcing motion and great carry,dose not hook as much as the other one but lets you make good adjustments with great carry,that is because of the layout ,the ball reads the patterns really well , if you get one you will love it when you understand what the
ball does , you can drill it any way want but strong drills beside or above the ring
finger area 4 1/2 to 3 3/8  , can produce strong hook on shorter or dryer patterns or if the patterns is breaking down quickly with force you to move left very fast, hope this info helps ,  i love the 2 i have , diamonds truely last 4ever


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Re: The New Standard
« Reply #7 on: April 11, 2006, 12:52:33 PM »
I'm planning on gettin a new ball and i cant decide which one to choose from.. either the New Standard or Yeah Baby.. I was wondering if anyone has any insight or suggestions for me.. I like to have it to go long so i was wonder if anyone know which one hooks more and which on will go longer. Thanx


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Re: The New Standard
« Reply #8 on: October 08, 2007, 11:18:23 AM »
I got this ball free from a friend with maybe 2 games on it. Our spans are the same so all i did was put in new inserts and reslug the thumb with my pitch, it is 16lbs ( which is what i throw ) with a 3.5" pin the pin is located to the right of the ring finger about an inch and the cg swung left towards the center of my grip there is a balance hole to make it legal.I am a speed dominant stroker. This ball goes longer than you might think being a particle ball but it still starts up in the midlane. I stood left foot 23 shot out 8-10 at the arrows and the ball would swing out to 3-4 and start to arch back and not really flip off the end of the pattern but make a very, very strong left-turn now! arch, very nice! This ball gives me a look very close to my highly polished fury but on more oil and carry down. I would say this ball would be a good choice for strokers like myself and there are some still out there new. Great ball and i can not believe i got it free!
quickly growing bag of tricks
brunswick fury
elite green alien
lane 1 g-force
legends the new standard
elite shark
visionary amb centaur particle
columbia cuda-c pearl

Pat Patterson

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Re: The New Standard
« Reply #9 on: October 14, 2007, 03:58:21 AM »
Purchased ball from fellow ballreviews member Jeff(aka, charlest), had ball drilled by Mike Miller at 10 Pins and More in Rio Rancho, NM on October 11, 2007. Ball came 15lbs 3 oz with a 3" pin and 3 1/4 oz of TW. Ball was laid-out with the pin just right of the ring finger(stacked) with a small weight hole on the mid-plane.
Ball is very smooth through the front part of the lane for a particle ball and starts to transition hard through the midlane and backend, it is alot smoother than the NS2(heavier particle load). Ball was thrown in two different houses one is newer synthetics oiled 38' and buffed out to 45' with OB outside 5, the other house was basically just a wall the ball would lay in the pocket if placed 5 board on out to the gutter with a lot of speed. Overall a good ball for the former opposed to the latter.  I see this ball useful on all but dry to medium for me and should be an excellent choice for medium-heavy to heavy and also should be very useful on carrydown.  Not my best review, just running out words to describe the awesome quality of the Legends/Lane Master brand.

Enclosed are actual pictures:
Pat Patterson
Pat Patterson


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Re: The New Standard
« Reply #10 on: November 12, 2010, 11:42:36 PM »
A six-year old ball that remains relevant.

Legends’ The New Standard by Lane Masters was released in mid-2004. Despite the years and changes in lane conditioner volumes, The New Standard is still true to its name in remaining a true benchmark ball. In 2004, it was a medium to heavy condition ball. All that has changed is that it is now most useful in the medium-light to medium range: Conditions that cover the majority of “typical house shots” these days as well as many of the sport-type patterns.

I began the 2010-2011 fall season struggling a bit with the strong cover stocks that dominate the market today. Some sessions, these balls gave up their energy too early. In others, the newer cover stocks seemed to magnify pattern breakdown. The New Standard does none of this. It retains energy well while still making a strong but controlled move at the break point. As the lanes transition, The New Standard informs you of the transition in a nice way a trip-four, solid-seven or trip/fast nine rather than a greek church.

So what makes this review relevant to you? Simply, The New Standard core is still in wide use and availability in newer Legends models. The New Standard uses the Dynasty Core that is also used in the Legends Black Pearl, Black Pearl Reactive and Black Diamond. In the near future, the “new” Black Diamond Reactive will, in all likelihood, use the same or similar Dynasty Core.

The Dynasty is a sweetheart featuring a high differential radius-of-gyration symmetric core with a medium radius-of-gyration. The core is well-matched to the light-load Diamond Particle cover stock. On today’s medium patterns, the ball rolls superbly with good length and a defined, controlled move. The high differential supports track flare in the 5” to 7” range minimizing any problem with conditioner carry down. But unlike the super-covers of today, this does not translate into early roll. The skid, hook and roll phases occur where they are supposed to while the two-piece (cover and core only with no filler) construction provides the hit that The New Standard is, well, legendary for (and measurable as a high cover stock coefficient of restitution). Pocket hits explode into the pit while low hits shred racks and send messengers all over the place.

The New Standard is a classy looking ball that, usually, is a blue-dominant swirl with gold and a touch of green thrown in. As each Lane Masters/Legends ball is truly custom-made, you will see significant variation in appearances: Especially in these multi-colored pieces. In my New Standard, the gold is dominant while the blue is present to a much lesser extent.

Even if you have a Black Pearl or Black Diamond, The New Standard remains a useful alternative. The New Standard features a lower radius of gyration and a slightly lower differential than the Black Pearls/Diamond.

My three-ball league bag currently consists of a Black Pearl for the medium-heavy and heavy conditions, The New Standard as the first-out benchmark ball to cover the mediums, and a World Class Reactive to cover the lighter conditions and to provide a different shot shape than either of the Dynasty Core balls. Longevity is another area where The New Standard and all of the other LM/L two-piece balls shine. Expect more than a thousand games from these balls.

Clean after each use. If you sense reaction changing, spin The New Standard with a burgundy pad on 4 or 6 sides followed by a gray pad on 4 or 6 sides followed by a substantial amount of Lane Masters Factory Finish Polish on 4 sides, followed by a wet gray pad to achieve the factory standard 800-grit sheen.

500- and 1000-grit Abralon or Siaair followed by the Factory Finish Polish and used 1000-grit soaking wet Abralon/Siaair also work to achieve a similar finish. Fine tune with a mixture of burgundy, gray, white and gold pads. I’ve also used a burgundy pad followed by Valentino’s Resurrection to achieve a reaction similar to the factory sheen.

A few particulars: My New Standard started life at 15 pounds, 3 ounces with 3 7/8 ounces of top weight and a 3 1/4” pin. It is drilled 60-degrees x 3.5” by 30-degrees label-leverage in appearance. For those of you less than well-versed in dual angle layout terminology, this works out to 3 1/2” x 3 1/4” with a 1 5/8” buffer between the pin and the VAL (Vertical Axis Line). The pin is right of my ring finger and the center-of-gravity is in the thumb-positive quadrant.

MoRich Mania, Craze, RipR, MOjave
LM Black Pearl, The New Standard, World Class Reactive
MoRich Spare Ball
Edited on 1/1/2011 at 10:25 AM